How Have You Seen Your Guild Affinities and Abilities Manifest?

Also, amazing! This is the stuff!

I always wonder, how many opportunities to recognize we are doing Magiq that we just pass it off as coincidence?!

I feel the crazier I sound the closer I am to finding Magiq within myself and within the world :heart:


This is an A+ thread. Fascinating stuff.

At least for me, I think it’s easy to miss the passive manifestations of Flinterforged affinities if I’m not thinking too hard about them. I’d say the two that most commonly show up in my day-to-day life are Artificer’s Whim and Assemble Runes, in the following ways.

  • Artificer’s Whim: I’ve mentioned before in other threads that I’m very taken by the Italian Renaissance’s so-called Golden Thread, “everything is connected” theory of knowledge, and I see Artificer’s Whim in my experience as a sort of extension of this principle. I think I did a creative writing piece on the forum somewhere that sort of takes my experience of this to the extreme, but in its milder iterations, my brain has a way of drawing unexpected connections between things that, while they make perfect sense to me at the time, are not always as evident to others. (This is probably not helped by the fact that I can’t or don’t convey multiple steps in these connections very well; my roommate jokes that having a conversation with me is like playing Monkeys-in-a-Barrel…if the monkeys didn’t have arms. :sweat_smile:)

  • Assemble Runes: This one is a little more targeted, and isn’t necessarily an everyday occurrence, but as a writer/editor who often scours other languages, including music, equations, and codes for ways of investing additional super-significance in my work, sometimes you move something around in a way that just clicks, and it’s a pretty great feeling.

In terms of hobbies, I think a lot of things can have different significance for different people (again with my “everything is connected” attachment). So, for example, painting might be an Ebenguard hobby that attempts to approach/express a truth, a Flinterforge use of skill and technique to make the world a brighter place, a Gossmere method of drawing people together by way of personal expression, etc. I love knitting, sewing, dancing, and writing as technical means by which I put good things into the world. I love video games, reading, and listening to music as ways to explore and engage with the methods and systems others use to do the same.


Fantastic! I’m glad you expounded on those magimystics…I was a little perplexed by those and I’m glad you shed your perspective on it. I see it now.

Thank you also for broadening the scope of the hobbies beyond something utterly specific. More akin to the qualities of the attributes themselves. It’s all a little grey and hazy :sparkles::sparkles::sparkles:


I would say for me I first started connecting with a few of my guild affinities when I was still pretty young, while some I didn’t develop any kind of connection towards until recently. I’m with Viv, in that a few particular affinities do tend to show up in more mundane uses throughout my life.

Like Call to Hearth was a skill I certainly developed when I was young. I was always the mediator of arguments, between my families or my friends. I liked to soothe the environment, make sure everyone was comfortable and happy at all times. Obviously, this isn’t really healthy, and as I grew up I was able to adapt that desire into better people skills. However, I still feel the desire to Call to Hearth those who are distressed.

Trusted Confidant is another Gossmere skill I felt akin to early. While now it mostly manifests as people saying things to me like “I don’t know why I’m telling you this” or “You have a very trustworthy face”, I certainly think that this attitude appears to me like an aura of openness that people feel comfortable to share details or stories they otherwise wouldn’t be.


Have you ever written a spell and/or incantation before going into a scenario that might be necessary to call upon those gifts?

Like, I wonder again how often we engage with Magiq without realizing it. What if we muttered an incantation beneath our breath calling upon a particular Magimystic Art?


I’ve posted in the past about how I feel magic is stifled in this world and how I feel in order to evoke a greater channeling of change and energy the ritualistic aspect of focusing energy is necessary. That being said as a Balimoran I feel an affinity towards aspects of the natural world. It’s been two years since I’ve been active in this community and I feel very proud that it has grown in my absence.

While I was away I felt the urge to explore other aspects of spirituality specifically the Druidic arts of the herbalist and I have found that I have a knack for it, probably because of my Balimor roots. The other thing I’ve been studying tirelessly is my connection to fate. I have always felt drawn towards unconscious intuition. I tried a few different practices and found myself entranced with the Tarot. The difficulty I have found is cleansing the static of the world from my own energy and letting me tap into the cycles of the world. I I tried EVERYTHING lol I tried smudging and crystal work I tried brushing the energy off of myself using feathers that i had charmed myself… it was becoming ridiculous. Then I remembered a thought I posted here. Using plants that were rooted in intention as a ward against either enemies or negative energy. So I took a small potted tree that my partner gave to me for our first Valentine’s Day and I decided to repot her in a new home. all I really did was move her into a pot that I loved and mixed dried herbs into the soil I planted her with. Betony for protection and dispelling negativity, dried Ivy for prophetic clarity and dried mugwort for clairvoyance. Now I just make sure I read near my protective little tree and I feel safe and cleansed enough to open myself enough to do a good reading.

I feel my talents lend me to be a part of Balimora, not that Balimora lends me my talents. I don’t think the guild dictates what types of magic you excel at but that your talent helps you realize where you belong.

Does anyone feel the same?


That’s a super interesting thought!

In the past, the guilds have been described as “schools of magiq”. Six different avenues into the world of magiq, wonder, and Neithernor. They each call on different elements, can do different things, etc. I personally believe it is our true nature, the core of our being, that decides what guild we belong in. The magiq we learn from that guild are just titles and formulas given to our own innate magicks, ones that have been harnessed and mastered by the guilds of old.
Sorry, this is a bit rambly.


mh. I can understand that, though. The wild has always called to me, and ive always been drawn to the depths of forests, the deepest caves, the sea, Always. I have a touch of gold, it seems with plants, and i find myself getting lost in my own thoughts more often than not, letting time pass sitting under the stars or sleeping in a wool tunic, sword at my side. It makes sense, in that way, that i would be a balimora.


I Love where you are at with that Nymid. I feel that at the core we have the powers of all the schools within us. We are more inclined to certain affinities and makes it easier to focus…because let’s be honest…the mind is unfortunately not so easy to direct attention.

Also, bringing this back to The Guide…my understanding is that it is largely reproduced with information missing. I’m hoping that this can begin to branch out into the other realms of Magimystics that we have yet to uncover and/or discover.

Qualities and affinities that perhaps do not belong to any one school, but to them all. Or to none of them.

Systemizing Magiq is a tool that helps the mind make sense of a new reality. I feel at its core though, there is no limitation at all.


Well, so far what we know of magiq we know that there is certainly magiq beyond the guilds. I would say spells and affinities are different, as we have been casting spells across guilds for years now. However, we have also seen affinities as fluid things, like in the case of Colby casting Tome Kindling as well as Communion Arts.


Hehe, I get so excited and ahead of myself without being fully caught up :sweat_smile:

Starting Volume 2 of the Monarchs tomorrow and going from there.

I’m just so excited! :heart_eyes::grimacing::sparkles:


wait until you get into learning about the adepts. Idk if you’ve read about that yet but the kemetic arc was insanity. I jumped into the game at the end of it and i was BEWILDERED. i thought id joined into a freedom fighting organization or something xD


Second Mind within Thornmouth is something I feel a bit of an affinity for. Growing up I’ve always found it relatively easy to put myself onto the opposite sides of arguments and devils advocate, and I studied mediation in college. One thing I found is that if I go so far as to section off part of my thought processes into a fictional personality and character of sorts I start to get instincts about what they would or wouldn’t like, even without the cognitive understanding of why. And then I can reverse that to at least come up with a reason if not several. It’s definitely trippy and taxing though.

Something about Philosomancy seems…comfortable for lack of a better word. I haven’t really sat down to figure out what I think it means to me but it feels natural to me.


I like your line of thinking. I think we are all so hungry for somewhere to “belong” that the idea of magic that is “off limits” to other guilds is a common and enjoyable thought. I think ultimately the guilds existence is to serve a purpose and you’re choosing a guild that suits you because it aligns well with your affinities. The act of preforming magic is what binds us and we are more alike than we are different.


My only knowing of the adepts right now is of Lauren Ellsworth.


ah, well. Shes rather fun, but she isnt the most interesting one you’ll read about.


Ain’t that the Truth! :heart_eyes:

Edit: it’s interesting you mention how hungry we all are to belong. When I really sit with this I can feel that strong desire that has echoed all my life. Something wasn’t right, I don’t fit in, I can certainly try but I always have to hide part of me away.

Finally finding a place to openly discuss and explore these innate potentials, finding a word alone is enough to have a hayday. Much less an entire growing lexicon and philosophy around something that has been here all along…and something I feel we have all individually been aware of most our lives.

Totally amazing. #awestruck


Well I am even more now excited to learn more then :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing:


@Danterius Second mind makes me think of a Wizard quality from a book series I used to read. They called it ‘Partitioning the Mind’ - essentially it was protective mechanism to save the protagonists sanity from a mistress that tortured her prisoners into servitude using a form of magic and anti-magic.

Anyways, I’ve thought about Mind Partitioning whenever I’ve had a painful experience…specifically regarding the body. Like when getting tattooed for several hours :sweat_smile:


I’ve had extensive dental work and totally get that. What I’m failing to describe is sort of like creating a false personality to use as a lens to view the world? I guess? Certainly similar and both of our definitions can be individually correct.