How Do Your (Other) Fandoms Fit Into The Briarverse Guilds?

Okay, okay; I’m in. Sailor Moon Sailor Senshi

My main list for @CJB’s uber-coven:
:gossmere: Sailor Moon
:ebenguard: Sailor Neptune
:weatherwatch: Sailor Mars
:thornmouth: Sailor Pluto
:balimora: Sailor Saturn
:flinterforge: Sailor Mercury

And just for referenece because I can’t leave the other Senshi without their Guilds:

:weatherwatch: Sailor Jupiter
:gossmere: Sailor Venus
:flinterforge: Tuxedo Mask
:ebenguard: Sailor Uranus
:gossmere: Sailor Chibi Moon


I agree wholeheartedly with almost the entirety of your choices. Especially Elend :joy: my favourite nerd

I would agree on both accounts for Kelsier but I’m leaning more towards Bali. The whole sometimes change can only come through destruction, mixed with the ‘in a society built on rules and roles and hierarchies if you want things to change you have to sow chaos’ really put him in the Bali category for me.

I would put Vin in Balimora, but she is a tough one. I think it’s difficult because she very much is a product of her environment, and one of her biggest goals for most of her life was simply to survive, so that makes it tough to sort out who she actually is underneath all that.

Interesting choice for Sazed.
Boy is a walking encyclopedia and you choose Goss. I don’t disagree with that choice, though. I do think that some of the reasons I would put him in Gossmere could also be used in a Thornmouth case.
What were your reasons, Vic? I’m curious.

I just miss talking about Mistborn tbh


For Sazed I really took into account the way his character changed in the third book and his eventually transformation. Tindwyl’s (sp?) death had such a profound affect on his his relationship to Terri’s culture and his role as a keeper.

I feel like Sazed is a very knowledgeable character, but post her death, he no longer saw the inherent value in knowledge. His relationship changed from simply storing knowledge to storing it with the motivation and hope that said knowledge will one day help another, which I very goss.

And it speaks to how keepers were trained as well. I truly feel like the keepers were thornmouth, archiving information for the sake of information. But Sazed was always considered a bad keeper. Sazed worked to actually influence the world instead of merely observing. I feel like his empathy for others was key in this

(Forgive me if I’m a bit rambly, I have a really bad cold and I don’t usually get this sick nor take medication like I am so its throwing me for a loop.)


All incredibly valid points that I agree with. I love the rambles, don’t worry.

I would’ve put him in Gossmere purely on his relationships with the characters around him in the first book. He always manages to give his friends exactly what they need, even if they don’t know they need it. Sure he’s not perfect, but other characters seem comfortable around him without him really trying, and that just screamed Goss helping others find a home in other people not merely a place.

And then he only grows from there, and I agree his transformation in the third book only solidified him as Gossmere. He had all that knowledge, but still not the answers that would ease his grief and pain. The realization that a library full of information couldn’t explain away the emotions that go along with living was huge for him, I think.


Okay, it’s been almost a year, time for some topic resurrection! :cagsfabulous:

My brain is a little too amped at the moment to choose, but after seeing the new Ghostbusters movie last week it definitely got me thinking.

Anybody happen to have any thoughts/opinions? New characters absolutely welcome, but really feel the original four need to be in there.

Spengler, I think, is probably somewhere in the ballpark of :thornmouth: and :balimora:, with the mad science stuff.


Ghostbusters was a big influence on me and my work. And the lore is surprisingly deep.