Halloween in Quarantine

My favourite holiday is coming up, but I have a feeling its going to be a little different this year.
So what are everyone’s plans? How will they be different than usual? Are you staying in this year? Coordinating your mask to your costume?
I for one plan to do a dnd one-shot with a couple of friends, costumes are optional, an excess of seasonal treats is mandatory. Since we usually play on Saturdays, it will be comfortably similar to my usual routine, but just different enough to make it exciting.


If I get my way, I’ll be working a show shift or two. :sweat_smile:

I’d given up three years ago on trying to hand out candy to trick or treaters, so that isn’t changing.

I’ll watch the usual holiday movies (Nightmare Before Christmas, Great Pumpkin, etc.), and I’ve been getting my seasonal masks done. A couple Nightmare Before Christmas ones, some jack-o-lanterns, ghosties, some alien ones that’re going to be year-round…


My annual blow up pumpkin party is cancelled.
I’m sad, but my partner is happy that the roof isn’t in danger this year. Car airbags, are capable of launching a ~7kg pumpkin 40+ feet directly up.

Hoping that we might be able to have a couple close friends over, we’ll adventure into the woods and then come home and get warm/tipsy by the fire and chat into the small hours. Might go up to the local silver mine for one of their scare events, but don’t know just yet.

I’ve not prep-ed any treats for trick or treaters this year(I made crepe paper mummies stuffed with sweets last year), I suspect I’ll just put out a cauldron of sweets next to a carved pumpkin for anyone passing by.


My roommate’s birthday is the day before, so we’re spending the weekend in the Catskills to get away and celebrate her! No costumes this year (even though my boyfriend and I had a fantastic idea for a Twin Peaks costume that we’re hoping to use next year), but we will definitely be bringing lots of candles and tarot cards and all the spooky full moon vibes!!


We usually trick-or-treat with our kids just on our street - it’s a quiet cul-de-sac with about 15-18 houses in total. There’s only one other family that trick-or-treats too; a lot of the other families usually go to bigger neighborhoods than our’s. This other family has always hosts a campfire, pizza, and some grown-up [spoiler]beverage[/spoiler] treats at their house afterwards. They’re in our “COVID-bubble” (we know they practice good, safe masking, hand cleanliness and social distancing and they know we do, too) so we’ve been hanging out with them quite a bit for the past 6 months.

I really look forward to our little Halloween ritual with our neighbors every year, and I think this year won’t be very different for my family, at least. If there’s a couple of other families on the street this year, I think that will be okay, too. We’ll all be outdoors and masked.

Edit: I might recycle this sweet pirate outfit from last year, but one of my sons was talking about wearing it just last night.


Dang it. Now I can’t get the opening to Spongebob Squarepants out of my head.


We found out our new neighborhood here in Portland has an infamous annual street party where the roads are blocked off and you can just walk in the streets and go door to door. Some garages are open and turned into bars for the grown ups, and there’s lots of games and candy for the kids. They’re still doing it this year, just tweaked and distanced.

I love Halloween so much. That’s not relevant, but I just wanted to say it.


My family doesn’t have any more young kids and I don’t like/don’t get invited to parties, so I don’t think my Halloween is looking all that different, although we are planning something a little special just to raise all our spirits. We all need a holiday to latch onto I think! So we’re going to watch Hocus Pocus, maybe Halloweentown, in our matching family jack-o-lantern pajamas, and eat a bunch of candy.

And my good friend and DM is running a Halloween D&D one-shot which I’m very much looking forward to! The idea is that we’re all normal teens who get turned into our costumes!


I love Halloweentown. I think about the quote “Magic is really very simple: all you’ve got to do is want something and then let yourself have it!” all the time.


I’ve been led to believe that murder mystery parties, which are high on my preferred list of Halloween activities, are easily adapted to social distancing, so that’s definitely a goal. And I may (finally) rustle up some spooky apartment decor this year, who knows?


I’m working Halloween this year, and we’re still getting our staff and clients to dress up. We’re making all sorts of spooky themed treats, doing themed crafts, while watching Halloween movies (they don’t really like scary ones so lots of Hocus Pocus and Halloweentowne. Good taste @Wyvern )

This neighbourhood has loads of kids who are all pals and have been struggling with not being able to play together, so for the trick-or-treaters we do get (usually we have a neighbourhood open house sort of party) we’ve built a Candy chute out of PVC pipe so we can send it down the steps and allow people to stay socially distanced while still letting our clients hand out candy ^-^

Not the same as normal, and maybe not the usual hardcore decorations, but it should still be fun.