Guild Magiq

Hey everyone,

We were discussing in the wiki topic about the flora and fauna of the magiqverse, as well as the different guild magiq/magical affinities. @Revenir started a topic here to discuss the flora and fauna, and I thought I would post this topic for a discussion on guild magiq here so I could mention the wiki and other OOG things. @CJB said that he has some ideas for the different guild affinities, but that we can discuss and decide later what is considered “canon”. Since this technically isn’t canon, I’m not sure if we should start topics in our respective guild halls or if it would be better just to discuss here.

For reference, the different guild magical affinities are below this cut, just click on the arrow

Balimoran Magiq:
Faulton Fray’s Decay
Charm and Deception
Bestiary Arts

Ebenguardian Magiq:
Grim’s Convergance
Truth and Calling
Combat Magic
Sand and Stone Scrying
Evolutionary Magimystics

Flintforged Magiq:
Artificer’s Whim
Alchemical Tranfigurations
Undo, Multimystics
Assembling Runes
Many Hands
Breath of Creation

Gossmere Magiq:
Communion Magics
Shapeshifting Arts
Trusted Confidant
Call To Hearth

Thornmouth Magiq:
Time Shifting
Second Mind
Astral Thinking
Tome Kindling
Peering Arts

Weatherwatcher Magiq:
The Swift Tongues of Kalivar
Fall Watch
Languidimensional Touch

What do you guys think?


Thanks @Kelsey, it’s up to you guys where you want to put this but feel free to put it in All-Guild Hall and we can figure out what “sticks” to the MAGIQ-verse mythology down the line. I have thoughts but am very interested in what you all come up with!


It’s a general consensus that Thornmouthian Tome Kindling refers to entering books, and watching/interacting as if you were a character in the book.


We also discussed how philomancy (keep wanting to write philosomancy) probably has at least something to do with philosophy. Wasn’t decided exactly what it was, but we were getting there.


Gossmere affinities are a bit of a dusy.

Shape shifting is pretty obvious
Call to The Hearth-summoning I believe
Therapeutics- I think is the magiq of healing, that can help ease a wound as well as mental disorders
Communion Arts-I think similar to OP Nepenthe it involves the guild uniting to cast a spell
Trusted Confidant- A spell to ensure a Gossmere won’t Gossip
That’s all I got rn


Been thinking about a few things about the Thornmouth affinities.
Time Shifting: Likely just manipulating time, though I imagine only great wizards can go forward or backward for a long amount of time, or pausing it.
Philosomancy (huh, whadya know, it wasn’t philomancy at all!): Likely related to philosophy, this one most confusing for me, so I suppose I have no knowledge to give for this
Second Mind: I see this as either being able to give knowledge to another person through magic, or being able to take it from someone, to some degree
Astral Thinking: This reminds me of astral projecting. So I’m thinking whenever you delve deep into your thoughts, you go to some sort of magiq dimension space thingy
Tome Kindling: What Vic said seems about right
Peering Arts: I wrote a story about this, but essentially my perception of this is that you can see the meaning or intent of things, whether it be words or actions.

Feel free to add your own thoughts, fellow thornmouths!


Here’s my thought on philosomancy (bearing in mind that I’m a Balimoran). Most Thornmouth affinities seem to fall under the heading of what the average person would consider “being psychic”, ESP, astral projection, divination, predicting events. Thornmouths seem to be like prophets or seers. That being said, the -mancy at the end of it means divination, pure and simple (ie necromancy = communing with the dead to divine knowledge). Divination through the means of… philosophy. I admit I have no idea how that works. Probably why I’m not a Thornmouth.
If it helps at all, when I picture a philosomancer, I picture someone who is equal parts prophet and philosopher, like a cross between Socrates and Nostradomus. Does that make sense?


I don’t know, somehow the word “kindling” pops out in Tome Kindling. Almost like fire.


Grim’s Convergance always makes me think of the balance between life and death. Like maybe guiding people to the other side or communication with people in comas? I’m probably way off though.


That’s very true, and is the original translation of the suffix “mancy,” but I feel like there are a lot of other “mancies” that don’t necessarily have to do with divination, such as technomancy or shadowmancy. These are more focused on the manipulation of their preferred element to their whim. So maybe it has something to do with that (though I’m not too sure how one goes about manipulating philosophy to suit one’s needs)?


Today is my performance in Macbeth, or at least opening night, and I’m wondering what guild has any confidence magiq?


I didn’t know you acted! Thats really neat! Unfortunately I have no such magic (glittermancy only goes so far) buuut maybe a weatherwatch could help? They seem like the confident and driven guild to me!


Yeah, tomorrow is actually my last night with this troop! So I’d really love to have any extra magiq I can. Besides my lucky amulet (which yes is a real thing that I’ve worn to performances since I was 11)


Maybe the Ebenguardians could help, too, in a bit of a roundabout way, using Makepeace to quiet down any nervousness you might feel.

In an unrelated topic, I’m completely stumped as to what “Evolutionary Magimystics” could do.


Perhaps something to do with developing new Magiqmystic methods? Maybe Ebenguardians are more adept at creating new magiq?


I too have thought that magiq can be made, by that I mean new guild spells.
For example, the guide talks about Gossmere going into battle with the collective heart of many. Perhaps a spell?


I always took “Trusted Confidant” as a type of charm spell, to instantly create a rapport with another, in order to help them further with therapeutics, etc. My son was watching an episode of Doc McStuffins (yes, I’m referencing Disney Junior) where one of the animals got maple syrup or something else on him at the beginning of the episode. He tried to hide it from Doc through the remainder of the show, only making his situation worse. Once he fessed up, she solved the problem quickly.

I picture “Trusted Confidant” as a magiq workaround for this type of situation between a Gossmere and a stranger or acquaintance they would try to help.

I still can’t believe I used the phrase “Doc McStuffins” on this board.


Tome kindling. Could it possibly mean also bringing a story to life? As in a thornmouth focuses on an individual or a group, starts reading (casting a spell), and immerses person/ people into that story. Would be amazing. Could be useful.

