Fourth Fragment: The Secret Mission Part Two

Hmm, looks like I’m not the youngest mountaineer after all. Great work @H3RM3S and @CCon for all that! Couldn’t have done it without you!


@TheBellsAreRinging Thanks so much! And yep, I am the new youngest mountaineer.


Do you guys think we should pretend to make progress in the forum to see what the Devoted shares or should we just work in here and ignore them?


We should definitely have them think we have solved that part of it. Perhaps they’ll say something to us about it. Who wants to post Tom’s findings? Whoever does, has to take credit for them publicly, sadly.


I’ll get on that.

Edit: Okay, that’s the post before @Tom s. Either he can post it or someone just post the maps and say you guys worked on it together offline and came up with it.

That should get them to give us the cloisters clue. Then we can speed through that.


Ah my head’s spinning trying to focus on so many things at once. I’m gonna (try to) download and reupload the stream as an unlisted video. Periscope will delete it once another stream is started on that account. I think i finally figured out how to get my screen capture software to work.

Then I’ll try to get on whatever @TheBellsAreRinging tagged me in? I haven’t read it yet


It’s just a little silly filler comment. Just trying to act how I typically do :stuck_out_tongue: All the work is pretty much done, thanks to @Tom (where is that guy?) just gotta act like we are solving it now!


@TheBellsAreRinging Gotcha :wink:


Stream has been recorded (with my recording software box in the corner : /). The stream can be safely overwritten now, which may be a good thing to do to keep it out of the Devoted’s eyeline. I’ll edit this post with a link to the unlisted video. Gonna take a while, I’ve never uploaded anything more than 5 minutes.

I also suggest not liking the video or adding it to any public playlists, just to be safe. But also: I’m a paranoid person.


Did you upload it to youtube? If so, no wonder its taking so long. I’ve heard the rendering time is horrible.


It’s taking forever… I was considering trying google docs to see if that’s any faster Edit: or not? it won’t let me… ugh. why google!

I’ll figure out something


@Leigha - great work, but I’m wondering if the beehive clock has two sides? This seems to suggest there is two - Beehive Clock 14th Street NYC 7936 | Beehive Clock 14th Stre… | Flickr - so maybe the number would be 12 instead of 8?

Also, I think I figured out the Nath’l Fisher one. His store (and the clock) are at 146 Duane St. If you “dropped a cent” or a 1/100 from 146 that would give the number 46.

Therefore the number could potentially be - 646-888-1233 - and since 646 is a Manhattan area code it seems possible?


@Kelsey - Nicely done! I guess the chemist thing was just to throw us off? o-o

Btw, does anyone want to banter with me in the public forum so we can get the cloister puzzle “solved”?


Honestly I had thought it was something else entirely :sweat: You don’t even want to know what went on my dude. Nice work though. I would call it, but well… We all remember the Great Tea Incident :laughing:


I’m not sure if I’m right because I didn’t really factor in the chemist thing :sweat:

Also, what do we think of the times at the bottom? Times to call at?


Really @Revenir?? Dogs wearing people clothes?!?!?! I can’t even right now :laughing:


Hey, dogs wearing people clothes is a very important topic! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I thought it would be a good idea to make it out like we were just palling around in the private chat, so it makes it seem less suspicious as to how we’re leaping a bit to conclusions. Hopefully it’ll throw the devoted off. I mean, who can resist that wonderfully distracting tumblr? xD


One question though… @Reader gave us the information about the Cloisters. How do we go about that? Do we just send to completed mazes to them? Because isn’t that what they were supposed to give us, she just gave it earlier?
(Okay so more like 3 questions :stuck_out_tongue:)


Yeah, I think we need to email them with the 4 mazes solution. That way, we can get the information, quickly “solve” the cloister puzzle and then pretend to send someone out to grab the disk.

Ah…I just thought of something, though, will we have enough time after they respond to do all that? :grimacing: Guess all we can do is try our best.


We could pretend. Not have another livestream, just pretend that somebody went out, and got it. Post the pictures, biddy boom bangitty bang, your done. But you are right… Today is the 24th and the timer should be running out today, at exactly 3:33. What are we gonna do? Hopefully we’ll just be behind and they’ll still “help us”, or else it would be pretty bad.