FOUND: Fragment Twelve: Into Hell - Aorthora

May be time to keep an eye on the Lost Athenaeum.


Nothing there yet, but I’ll keep checking from time to time.


So is Fragment 12 officially live?


I think we usually declare it official when the Book sends out an email


When Whistler says that he takes Aether to medical, is Kendrick going to be Aethers ticket in? As far as we know, the only person in medical is Kendrick.


I think Kendrick is still in a coma. I think… I think the plan is to have Marty get inside, when Whistler opens the window, and Marty rescues Portencia, Climber, and anyone else they have down there while Whistler takes Aether to his body and hopefully… hopefully makes him whole again.

The logistics aren’t cement, yet. But I think that’s the bare bones of it.

It would be helpful, though, if we could get to Kendrick and wake him. Maybe pull whatever fragment there is of Portencia from him in the process. Though that risks discovery and interference if he works out not to be friendly.


I didn’t even think about Kendrick being dangerous once woken up. Good thinking.


That’s a long list of stuff that might happen. Is there any we that we could be seen out of any of it? And does anyone of them even know about us, with the exception of Climber?


I think Portencia knows. Fallon knows about the Mountaineers as an organization, but I don’t think he knows we are interfering with them now, directly.

But no, Whistler doesn’t really know about us. There are a lot of moving pieces here. And they only have ten minutes to make things happen.


So Whistler mentioned that we’d
" been able to manipulate somebody’s memory and make your presence online invisible…"

What would happen if we tried the memory spell on the other staff? It might cause a bit of chaos if people start waking up and wondering what’s going on. Or are we able to target the people like Fallon and make them forget?


Or is there a spell we could use over their control frequency to freeze all staff on the spot?

Yes, Aether in a memory stick if needs be, making use of the double down time (well done Whistler).
Yes, @Marty.60, you’re up. If you can be.
Just be prepared that Portencia seems to see the party splitting up on exit. We may not see Whistler after this.
I guess Whistler needs to establish which system the sub level security is on, next. Then plot routes out with access points.


I wonder if we could use any of the earlier spells we already know, maybe the finding spell from fragments 1-4?


It’s certainly possible. Unfortunately the finding spell requires herbs that are almost impossible to get nowadays. But it’s a good idea.

I would assume now that Aether is aware of the plan he’ll be digging through the Low archives to find something helpful. If we haven’t heard from him in a few days we’ll have to cobble together our own plan.

Personally I think just awakening every employee’s repressed memories at the same time would cause epic chaos. But that might not be safest for the people we’re trying to rescue.


I’m not sure that’s the right answer, either; considering how many of us it took to affect a single person, could we have the collective power to achieve magiq on the kind of scale where we could affect every personnell member in an entire building?


If I had asked you six months ago if we had the power to affect one person’s memory, what would you have said? :slight_smile:

Dream big.

Edit. But yeah, you’re totally right. It’s probably out of our grasp at the moment. Maybe Aether can find us a ‘turn it up to 11’ spell that amplifies existing spells.


So in summary:

  • Whistler managed to set up a security breach that will have KS go black for ten minutes.

  • @Marty.60 is going to meet Whistler at KS during the breech.

  • Marty will head for Portencia while Whistler will take Aether back to his body.

  • While this is happening we Mountaineers will need to have prepared some kind of distracting/freezing/memory spell that can be broadcast on every screen in KS to give them all a chance at escaping.

So the current list of things we need for this to work:

  • @Aether to dig up some spell to help us out / or we’ll have to go with the only thing we know that might work which would be the Consolatory Tea Time spell

  • @Marty.60 to decide if he is down for this. I understand if you are hesitant to do this. It’s a massive risk and even if it goes exactly according to plan, there are still a lot of variables and opportunity for this to go sideways.

  • We need to hear back from Aether on if he’s tracked this plan and if he’s onboard with hitching a ride in on Marty’s phone.

I think that’s it so far. Next Wednesday isn’t that far. We just have to hold on and prepare as much as possible.


Seems pretty spot on @Mr.Fern.

Also, I agree with @Robert, if Aether isn’t able to find us some sort of spell or some other form of assistance, we better be prepared to brainstorm and plan something that could help out. It seems a little daunting right now, but for all you new recruits, it won’t the first time this rag tag group of Mounties has been able to do something like this. We just need to be positive, hopefully Aether is able to get through The Low and locate something, but we also need to be prepared and a bit “real” in this situation.


I think that the Consolatory Teatime would be good. Considering what Whistler said throughout the eleventh fragment about memories being implanted (and maybe a whole education), it’s possible that many of the KS workers are being held against their will, but simply don’t remember. If we somehow perform the Teatime on a greater scale, we could also release all the workers (if that’s even a concern)


Here is where they mention it exactly


So if we could somehow let everyone’s memories come back…