FOUND: Fragment Twelve: Into Hell - Aorthora

Definitely something to consider, we could protect your place with a ward, something for the rest of the team to do if they can’t participate in the rescue itself.


Could we get another team working on a basic protect ward? Maybe an inverse of the one on Dierdre (instead of not being able to see magic, magic can’t locate it)


Also, idk if anyone saw, but Deeds Done just had another post.


When I found out KS was in my home state, I already got a Joradian up and running. Any other help would be more than welcome.


I’m about to bust out my old crisis intervention skills so bare with me.

When our clients are getting ready to leave unsafe situations, we help them make at least two full plans. Leaving these situations is actually the most dangerous time.
Things we suggest our clients have include: toiletries, medications they’re currently taking, a basic first aid kit (band-aids, disinfectant, gauze, etc.), something to comfort them, water, snacks, and a disposable cell phone. We encourage them to take a route with at least one emergency room or urgent care center just in case. If possible, we tell them to gather any documents they might need to get a new job or place to live. So like their photo ID, social security card, birth certificate, etc.

Since @Augustus_Octavian is generously offering up one safe location, it might be best for @Marty.60 to come up with the other on his own and not post it just in case something goes wonky. And with both of those locations, find the closest medical center. People working in trauma centers should be able to recognize emotional trauma as well, though it would probably be best to come up with a cover story because telling the truth will likely get you held until they can do a full psych eval. If I didn’t know about all of this and a client came to me saying they just escaped from an evil corporation, I would probably mark it off as some sort of psychotic episode unless there was a missing persons report.


I had some time on my hands, so I decided to take an auspex ex trepudiis in regards to Wednesday evening. It was favorable.


KS is confirmed to be based in Mass? I have family there, and an adept cousin, she may be an asset?


I only assume they are, given Whistler commutes by shuttle from Boston. They could easily be in Rhode Island or Southern New Hampshire, less likely Connecticut.


What if there are other buildings? Other than the one Climber and them are in?


They likely all tie together underground.


Yes, although I think it would likely be more secure and tougher to access if they were. Underground pathways and connections are great for transporting things you never want people let alone the light of day to see or learn about. :grimacing:

There may also be places, like the level where they’re experimenting on Portencia, that only have one way in and out regardless of the building being connected to others. Which is problematic at best.

This thought leads me to thinking how I would build a compound to hide any and every terrible thing I could think of doing and then some … and it’s not exactly reassuring.
I am hopeful that Whistler knows the place well enough to pull this all off, and rather than debate architectural design, I am going to be confident in him and all of us Mounties.

It also late at night and I could easily be rambling aimlessly so feel free to disregard all of this.


A little surprise from Aether just popped up:


Looks like he’s taking care of everything.

Oh. @Marty.60. Have you though about your immediate post-rescue egress strategy, yet? Or is this something we need to work on today? It might be good for you to have a few ideas, but it would also probably be safer not to tell anyone where you’ll go. KS may not have any record of your being there, but I don’t know that this is going to go off so smoothly that your safety afterwards is guaranteed. And the recuees need a place to go for the short -term, until either we remove the threat or they come up with their own plan and decide to leave for themselves. Climber and Whistler are the only adults, but who knows what @Aether will choose to do.


I’m in a motel near KS. Couldn’t sleep last night so I drove up. Just wanted to fill you in on everything that’s gone on this week.

Didn’t hear from Whistler over the weekend and got worried. Turns out the phone he “acquired” to talk to me got disconnected by its original owner. He was scared to buy a new one, worried he was being followed. His neighbor agreed to have one delivered to her apartment instead of his so now we’re emailing again.

He said they had Portencia in the chair all weekend and Climber was with her for most of it. Climber has been sedated (Whistler thinks it’s to keep her from coming up with an escape plan.)

Portencia blacked out last night and they had to take her out of the chair. They’re giving her a day off today and I have to wonder if Portencia knows we’re coming, because if she was in the chair, in front of Fallon and whoever else, I’d be screwed when I tried to rescue them.

Whistler tried the plan again. It worked and no one noticed the dual reboot. He says the only thing keeping him from going insane between his violent memories and what he’s seeing them do to this girl is knowing we’re out there and we’re gonna help.

He said Fallon seems tired. Stressed. Seems like he’s not getting the results the person on the other side of Fallon’s journal is expecting. Whistler’s seen writing in the journal,

“it must be now” “he is too valuable an asset to lose” and “his gift is too important to—”

with the last word being a name that started with a D, but Whistler couldn’t see the rest.

So they’re still looking for Aether…

Whistler also logged into the camera systems again. He saw some of Fallon’s team go in and out of the secured room in medical where we think Aether’s body is. He doesn’t know how we’re gonna get in because it’s locked down but I told him if we can get Aether inside the facility, we’re golden.

Aether’s on my new phone. A bluetooth earpiece thing showed up in the mail on Friday. Aether set up an account and ordered it for me. I can hear him in it. He says he’s going to connect me to you this afternoon so that if something goes wrong we “can fix it together.”

He sounds bad. Weak. He says The 18 Gates know what we’re trying to do. Says they’re doing what they can to protect us (and keep him together), with what little power they have. He said they seem to care as much, if not more, about the Mountaineers as they do the book. They’re trying hard to keep us safe from whatever’s coming. So that’s something.

We have to get him back to his body. It has to be today because I don’t think he can hold on much longer.


You guys are going to cast magiq that, six corners willing, will hide us and blind everyone at KS so we can get in.

At 5pm sharp the reboot and our 10 minute countdown will start. I’m going to walk into KS with Aether in my ear. Whistler will be waiting for us in the lobby.

I’m going to hand Aether off via my phone to Whistler. They’ll go to medical, to try and wake up Kendrick, get Portencia’s fragment from his mind, and get Aether into the secured room, where we’re assuming and hoping his body is. Then they’ll leave and wait for me in my car, which is a block away.

Meanwhile, I’ll take Whistler’s badge to the sublevel where they’re keeping Portencia and Climber, find a way to get them upstairs, and hopefully get out with them before the security reboots.

I’m gonna take whoever gets out to a secured place. I don’t want to say where we’re going right now, just to be sure. But I’ll touch base when I can to let you know what happened.

And if you don’t hear from me just know that I couldn’t be more proud to stand alongside you against the storm. I’m proud to be a mountaineer.

See you at 5pm.


We’re proud you’re a Mountaineer also, Marty. Good luck.


Thank you for everything, @Marty.60


@Marty.60 I just had a thought: Whistler said Climber is sedated and Kendrick is probably still in a coma. You should probably stop by a pharmacy and pick up at least one naloxone nasal spray kit, it’s an antidote to any opiates that may be used on either of them. It’s available for anyone under a standing order behind the pharmacy counter in the state of MA.

Chance favors the prepared.


I’m so far behind on all of this. Today is the big day, though, right?

Good luck to you all. I know you can do this.



Thank you Shirley.