FOUND: Fragment Twelve: Into Hell - Aorthora

My most educated guess would be referring to something Brandon Lachmann said.

Edit: I can’t remember exactly what it was in his message. @Revenir?


Hey guys, sorry bout my lack of presence, been dealing with health problems.

As far as infil on KS, we need more intel, maps, locations, etc. @Marty.60 think you could contact Whistler about that? Another thought would be to effect a brown out in the building, not sure if that’s feasible though.
Also, we need to be concerned about a back up plan for the operatives inside, in case whatever spell we create doesn’t affect all the people inside. Tazers, flash bangs, nightsticks, etc. We need to make sure they have the best possible chance at success.


Interesting things abound…


Brandon’s words on the spaces between

“I spent my last morning here, talking with my favorite librarians, sitting in my favorite chairs. Watching all the people, wondering if some of them can see into the empty spaces. Those spaces aren’t empty. They’re full of doors. And light. And magic.”
“I was like you once. I was told all the same lies. But I found a way out. I found what was hidden in the spaces between. And that’s where I am now. I can’t force you to trust me, but you can trust the book. It’s the only way… the only way to fix everything.”

And @Itsuki
"Magic is being created in the spaces between things. Our memories, the place where our creativity eminates from, that’s what magic is. Our memories transposed "

"If there’s one thing I have really taken hold of in Brandon’s words it’s this: imagination is memory transposed. That’s where the magic is. It’s not just in things, but around them. The spaces in between. We create it. We bring it forth. The more we imagine and the more we create, the more we will see. It’s all there for the taking. We’re going to be the ones to enable it, to break out, to break through.

How? I hear my fellow Mountaineers cry. By creating. We’re going to write, draw, compose, build. We’re going to play!"


Thank you!


Apparently the “spaces between” have a lot of relevance to, well, everything.

Oh, I was just going to comment on that issue that’s now gone, oki.


So, we have to have the spell ready to perform on the 31st?


Edit: Sorry, that sounded snarkier than I meant. The other thread is still trying to work that out. :slight_smile:


Robert is throwing low key shade these days :wink:


I told Whistler we were in and you guys were working on something to help. Also, pretty sure Aether’s on my phone now. He hasn’t said anything but I see my email’s set up, which I’ve never been able to do, so…

I think he’s getting weaker. Wednesday’s gotta work.


Had he done anything weird within your email? Maybe he put a code in the folders or sent items. I’m just spitballin’ here


Hey @Marty.60,

If you could pass along two messages to Aether please. First and most important, we won’t let him down.

Second, once after he’s better and this us behind us if he ever wants to make some extra cash my parents can’t make their email on their phones work either. If he could pop into their phones it’d save me a lot if remote tech support.

You know but only after we save everyone and all.


Speaking of which, we haven’t talked at all about what happens when - not if, when - we free them. Where will they go?

Some of them don’t have a family to go back to, and even if they did, it may not be safe.

We have to have some kind of immediate system thought up for their post-mission care and reintegration, if that’s possible.

Any thoughts? It’s selfish to ask, but they may need to stay with you awhile. Whistler too, in fact.


For the housing problem, maybe they could just live inside the KS building. After all, if the oppressive forces are removed, I don’t think there would be a problem with them continuing to occupy it.

Edit: it could still be traumatic for them though, so it’s not a perfect solution


For all we know, the effects of the spell may only be temporary. If the employees fall back under KS’s control whole they’re still in there, that could lead to disaster. I think it’s best we get them far away and hidden as quickly as possible.


Fact is that after this @Marty.60 will probably not be safe, either. Going home may be a bad idea.

I hate to say this, but… I think you need to have a go-bag ready in your trunk on Extraction Day, Marty.


@Marty.60 - I’m in Massachusetts, and a healthy distance from Boston. I could ask Livia if she wouldn’t mind having a few guests in the domus…


It’s all a big gamble and @Marty.60 really is risking his neck for us. We should plan everything thoroughly


For sure. The logistics of this rescue go beyond just spellcasting them out of the building. If KS can find them again afterwards, it is pointless.

So we have to establish a couple of simple exit strategies that make sure they’ll be secure, able to receive medical care, and out of KS’ immediate reach.

But it’s all going to depend on what Marty wants.


Also, if Livia and I host, access to medical care won’t be a problem.