FOUND: Fragment Twelve: Into Hell - Aorthora

I guess the question is, well, how do we do this?

We know Brandon escaped this world, the forest, and went into another one. And he did that by, essentially, creating his own world. We’re trying to free captives (and, if possible, the innocents being used by KS), so I guess we should try to find a way to envision that?


Calling the corners?


The spell Sullivan Green placed on his daughter Diedre Green to effectively blind the magiqal world to her. Performed a second time by us (not me, I wasn’t around yet) to undo the spell and open her eyes to the truth.

So maybe a modified inverse version?


Well… storytelling is it’s own Magiq. Maybe we create a round robin spell? Where we design the outcome? Every person adds their energy and will to the story. We get them through it by problem solving for them. It’d be more like a ritual then.

Augustus_Octavian’s idea makes a lot of sense too. Take an existing model and adapt it.


Perhaps we could devise some kind of sigil similar to when we did the safgeguard for the site to broadcast on the screens? Couple that with all of us performing a small ritual of some sort to empower it? That way at least everyone would be distracted while they are in the building.

Edit: With the purpose of the sigil and the ritual being to hold the gaze of any who look directly at it.


We should put together a list of similarities in the previous spells we’ve cast.

  • Six elemental properties
  • Ritual aspect (tea drinking)
  • Object creation (the keeping boxes)
  • Seeming random complications. (Reminds me of something @Robert mentioned recently about Lachmann’s role playing game in fragment four. The quote “No prize is worth winning without challenge.” which relates to the fragments and possibly to magic itself. It’s possibly in the narrative complication that magic happens. By weaving connection between separate things?

I think that’s a good idea, to be honest. If Brandon could use a story to get out of the forest, it must be a powerful tool. Maybe powerful enough to get some people out of KS safely.


So we have 6 days to create a spell. Definitely not daunting. Nope. Not daunting at all.


It makes it possible for more people to contribute than would normally be able to do a Hangout. If we set this up over the next couple days, more Mounties can write a piece of the spell and add their energy. It would be more powerful that way.


I think we also need something central that can concentrate the gathered energy, we can’t attain a goal unless the energy is focused.


There’s also no rule saying we can only perform one spell. We have enough person-power nowadays that we can have groups casting different spells simultaneously.

One group could cast @Deyavi’s narrative storytelling spells, while another group casts protective or blinding spells on Marty/Aether and a third team casting the same on Whistler/Portencia (or any combination thereof).


Your ingenuity and problem solving skills are their own Magiq.


Could we possibly use this as both fuel and statement of intent for the spell?

We could all tell parts of a story about a daring rescue. The story could be told in six parts, relating to the six elements, each told by a member one of the six guilds. And broadcast throughout KS with some kind of community created sigil as a focus for the spell on screen?


Particularly if Marty had the sigil on him, and gave one to Whistler when they met up, along with the phone. Maybe on the phone, which could also protect Aether.


I really like this idea!


I’m almost tempted to suggest a kind of cloak of invisibility, with a sigil on it to connect it to the spell, but that would probably be too small for as many people as there are that need to escape. :sweat:


A very simple symbol that Marty can draw on his skin in Sharpie when we start the ritual, and send to Whistler to do the same might work just as well.

Edit: We’d have to send it to Whistler the night before so they’d both be prepared. He’d have to hide it, but that shouldn’t be any harder than hiding a tattoo in business casual.


Maybe we could do art as well; we learned about someone who painted themselves a new world, I think?


I am really liking this idea of multi spell casting!


Okay, so should we start a new thread to discuss the details of the creation of the spell(s)?