FOUND : Fragment Fifteen: Reunions and Revivals - Gnascorius

Same. It’s crappy tea but they have at lease something resembling tea here at work.


On break at work; pardon the paper cup.


Xiamen tea, helps with chi recovery and the balance of yin in the body


It’s called ‘Lemon Zinger’ and it smells and tastes like it should be used to polish hardwood floors. But, damnit this is for Marty! I’m ready.


Brewing now


Should we do it here or on a video chat? (It might take me a minute to set up.)


I have ginger, tumeric and black pepper tea - I just told a heartwarming anecdote to a co-worker. I’m saying the phrase after I finish typing this.


Whatever works for you Endri.


Great, so share a story with someone near or here and then repeat the phrase, “Now tell me something you remember, eyes are open, ears are hearing, something far away but nearing, something bubbling into view, something gone made now and new.”


My best friend was a man i used to admire to no end. The way we met was a little unorthodox but its stuck with me over the years. See, we didnt meet in a class or on the street, he literally pulled me out of a group of kids beating on me. The kids, seeing who he was had run away yelling insults, but he stood like a stone wall taking it in and never reacting. Seeing those others reactions i feared he would make me his victim instead of them, but he dusted me off, told me id be alright, and introduced himself before promptly wandering away. Im pretty sure i pledged my life to him or something of the sort but… i dunno. It was a childish thing to say. Even still, it remains a good memory of a man i wont see again for another 2 and a half years.


I was so nervous. I walked down the church steps and I am shaking. I feel the weight of my past on my shoulders.
And then I’m there, in the room.
Twenty pairs of eyes stare up at me. There is a brief period of silence, I’m an outsider in what I can already tell is a family.
Then they did something so unexpected. They began to pound their fists against the table tops, they rushed up to greet me, they welcomed me to their family.
That’s when I knew I was meant to be with my theater troop.

Now tell me something you remember, eyes are open, ears are hearing, something far away but nearing, something bubbling into view, something gone made now and new


I visited New York City when I was a teenager. On a school trip. I remember falling in love with Central Park immediately. I love museums but the second I could break away I abandoned my group in the Met and disappeared into the park. There was a playground with a bear sculpture in it. There was a fountain that had been turned off for winter. I ran my hand across the top of it, just taking in every sensation. And when I pulled away a coin was in my hand. With strange writing. I was so taken with it. When I left, a group of kids came running past to play in the park and one stopped and turned to me for a second. He said “Just bring it back someday, when you’re through with it.” and then he joined his friends.

“Now tell me something you remember, eyes are open, ears are hearing, something far away but nearing, something bubbling into view, something gone made now and new.”


Ahhh, I’m here and ready to help!

As per the spell, here’s a positive little anecdote about my week:

I’ve been working in the costume shop this week, my first day doing actual construction work was the end of last week… And it’s just reminding me that this is what I want to do with my life. It’s tedious, and I often feel like the seam ripper is my best friend…but I couldn’t be happier. There’s something electric about the atmosphere, this is where I want to be. And it’s so good to finally not be afraid of what the future holds, to not get sad about rotting away at a desk job for the rest of my days. This is where I want to be, and even though it’s challenging, I feel so lucky to be here.

Now tell me something you remember, eyes are open, ears are hearing, something far away but nearing, something bubbling into view, something gone made now and new.


All of my co-workers have mysteriously disappeared so…

I dealt with insomnia off and on for most of my college years, and often found it difficult to sleep, so I did a lot of homework in the midnight hours. A friend of mine worked the midnight to 4 am dispatch shift for campus security on Wednesdays. Every night for a semester I went and sat up with him while he worked the boring, sleepy midweek shift. He would make us both tea while I did my Greek translations, and then we would read satirical articles to each other or have long, winding talks about life, philosophy, and friendships until he could punch out and go to sleep. One night, he turned to me and said, “Let’s do something.” It was raining, and the stresses of the day had gotten to both of us. Avoiding the other security workers, we climbed the music building and perched on the roof in the rain, looking out over the world and giving our cares and frustrations away to the misty rain.

“Now tell me something you remember, eyes are open, ears are hearing, something far away but nearing, something bubbling into view, something gone made now and new.”


Okay. I’m out. Getting out of the neighborhood then will transcribe… It worked. Big time.


Stay safe, I’m glad we could help.


Very curious to see what Fallon had to say, especially after all the awful things he’s done. Hope he was at least willing to cooperate with you, now that he has nothing left to lose.

Take care of yourself Marty. We’ll be waiting.


Fallon was an awful man, I think we can all agree on that.
And I think his fate is beyond suiting… Right?
So now that we know where he is we just leave him to die, or whatever will happen to him now that hes been Storm touched?


Mind giving me a quick summary of this fallon dude? I wasnt around for him.


He played a big part in the operations of Kemetic, he sacrificed his own son, and tortured Portencia.

He is vile and cruel, but also human. My only fear is something was controlling him? What if he wasn’t as bad as we think, maybe like the storm something else was pulling his strings?