FOUND : Fragment Fifteen: Reunions and Revivals - Gnascorius

Maybe someone should send one to check? One shouldn’t cause too much of a problem if it is scrambled, and will test to see if it’s possible.

Edit: Maybe I can send a question askign how the spell went?


Go ahead! It can’t hurt, though he might not know about it.
Edit: Nvm, it closes 20 minutes after it opens.


That sounds good…maybe say like, you heard his lodge was trying a risky spell and lost contact with Knatz and you want to know what went down?


Nevermind then, we can try next time.


Okay, so how today’s time went: Reply window opened at 5:30PM EST, one reply was submitted at 5:40PM, the window remained open after the first message, and then the reply box disappeared at 5:50PM

So it looks like this is a strictly timed window, and we have the potential to write more than one message per day


Sooooo basically yesterday we just got a reply in.


Curse my need to eat dinner! Good job all.


Well, thank you for writing up an awesome message before you left!


Thanks @Robert for making up the message!


Connecting flight’s been delayed for hours now. For weather. If I don’t get in the air within the hour I’m renting a car and driving through. I wanna keep moving one way or another. Stay safe Mounties.


Stay safe @Marty.60!


Be careful Marty! Of both the Storm and all the chaos on the east coast, with Irma. Don’t let any storms, metaphysical or otherwise, bowl you over. We’re all rooting for you in the meantime. :+1:


Stay safe @Marty.60! PM me if you need a place to crash in MA.


There’s a user on! No reply window yet.


Same for me! No chat window but a user is on, maybe they’re writing a response to us!


I am sorry to hear about your flight @Marty.60 , but I agree, I think it best you get here (East Coast) ASAP.

May neither storm catch you on your travels. Love and luck from all of us.



“I’m sorry you lost contact with everyone. It means you don’t know what happened here on the forum. Augie offered mounties a chance to hide from the storm, but they had to forget everything about magic.
He gave Knatz a coin he said would hold off the storm long enough for us all to get on the forum and perform it together. But I know what those coins are for. They can mask you from far off forces, maybe shield someone up close momentarily, but I know they can’t protect dozens of people at a time from something like the storm.
So I knew Augie was lying. But I also knew he wouldn’t do something to endanger these people, anybody actually. He’s the best man I’ve ever known. So I tried to get back in time, tried to get to him, to stop him from doing something stupid.
The bastard spell was real. And it worked. And the storm came for them all.
But Augie had cast something else on the mountaineers who showed up. Something secret. Something that channeled all harm that would be done to them, to him. He bought them time to forget, by sacrificing himself. And I was too late to stop him. It wiped him away completely. And far as I know, the mountaineers walked away not remembering anything, and the storm thought it did its job.
We’re the last ones left who remember.
I don’t know what’s happening with the 15th complication. I don’t even know how long we have left. The Book is fading. It’s not there half the time I check it. It’s like it knows what happened.
And to be honest, I’ve been working on something else. Something that won’t save the world or uncover the truth or bring magic back. Not now. But maybe someday. And I have to do it before I lose the memories I still have left.”

Also, he’s gone.


COINS like… The travelers coin!? (I was literally fidgiting with it as I read this post)

I can’t… Augie, what he did was a true act of valor, he is truly an Ebenguard to his core. We always knew it would come down to this, just him and Ascender… However that means that they aren’t the only ones who survived. There are other mounties out there that forgot!

We need to think of a response.


I think we should tell him a rough number of how many of us there are left, just so he knows there are alot of us trying to open it.


So what’s Ascender up to? @Endri , when did Ascender contact you and Bash, Eaves and Itsuki? Was it in 1998?

We need someone, sometime to help us open that book.

Maybe we could ask Ascender what happened to Saberlane? Saberlane suspected we were from the future. He may have a bigger perspective on this than the other mountaineers and maybe made a different decision.