FOUND : Fragment Fifteen: Reunions and Revivals - Gnascorius

You did great @cheyyyme. We need to discuss and plan when we have the liberty to. When it’s time to do something we need people to just stand up and implement what we discussed while the window is open. Id rather someone do something 80 percent right then no one do anything myself.

I’m glad you sent that and please don’t be too stressed about it.


You’re my voice of reason :innocent:


Finally emerged from the black hole of my office. Excellent work, everyone! Personally, I’m glad we said less rather than more. Ascender knows the situation right now (right then?)…anyway, he can infer a lot, and then we can focus on answering his specific questions or doubts, whatever they are, without rending time or drawing the Silver’s attention.
We’ve gotten this far. Just two more. We can do this.


Cheyy, It was stressful, and the consensus was telling you to send something as quickly as possible. You did the best you could in a difficult situation. I just wanted to advocate for staying calm and taking a few moments to think over a response before sending the message. But I understand we don’t know exactly how this fragment works yet, and of course we’re all eager to send something as fast as we can…

I certainly hope this won’t dissuade you from sending messages in the future. What you sent was perfectly fine and I’m sure Ascender will be relieved to know there are still Mounties out there.


Should we still be checking the page periodically to make sure we don’t miss anything?


I still am just for the heck of it . :rofl:


Ye ive been refreshing every now and then but nothing so far


I think we are gonna have more people from the past talking to us this time


@Mr5yy and @Rimor are already on it, smart thinking guys :wink:


You guys and gals did a great job thinking on your feet! I’m sorry I couldn’t be more help. We’ll be better prepared for next time!


I’m proud of you for making first contact. That’s an important step forward for us and, God knows, Ascender needs to know someone else is out there. As has been mentioned above, you did the right thing.

What questions do we want to ask, so we can be sure to at least attempt to add them to our response to him tomorrow? We will, I suspect, have to think quickly. Having an idea beforehand will help.


We definatly need more forward planning as we dont know if he’ll reply at the same time. Once more well done chey!


One question we should ask is what happened with the memory spell. We might already know what happened, but I for one would like to know for sure.


I don’t disagree. My thought… is that he will have no clue what we’re talking about. Did Augie tell him? We know he used it on his grandfather…

Did he include Ascender in his plans?


I’m pretty sure he did from the line “If there’s anyone left, know I’m with you.” There wasn’t any event that happened that would have caused Ascender to wonder who was left other than the Storm, and there were quite a few of the 94 Mountaineers left when he was injured. So unless he’s wondering why no one’s posting or emailing, which now that I think about it seems likely, Ascender would of known Augie’s plan. Why would Augie hide it?


You ain’t wrong. I agree with your logic.


One thing I’d like to point out… the last two fragments have confirmed, for me at least, the fact that in the world beyond the mundane, the word “Book” means something more. A period in time, which seems to be the flavor of this fragment. Will someone create a thread to discuss this, please?


I got you. :+1:


Some questions and things that I think are important to ask:

  • Is Ascender willing to work with us to open the Book? (I’m hoping yes, and it seems likely)
  • Has Ascender received an email from the book about Complication 15, and if so, what did it say?
  • Does he otherwise have any leads on 15 or any loose threads from previous Complications that might lead somewhere, like they did with Knatz and the suitcase?
  • Does Ascender know about the hex? Does he have any idea of what happened to Augie, Knatz, and the rest?
  • What exactly happened with him and the Storm? Was he referencing the incident in Missouri or did the Storm attack him again?

I think we should also warn him that the Storm can reach through electronics, get multiple people using phones and computers. He probably already knows this, but it’s worth mentioning. However, that shouldn’t be a problem if he’s only communicating with us, right?


There’s someone online right now. No messages showing up though.

Edit: Nevermind. I’m looking at it on mobile and once I refreshed, Ascender’s message showed up. Nothing new though, and no input field.