Flintershop Orientation (A Flinterforge Intro Thread)

That’s a Flinter intro if I’ve ever seen one!! Heritage conservation sounds so cool. What kinds of things would you be restoring?


It can be a lot of things! For example what got me really into it was seeing students at a particular school restoring stained glass, but I also know that blacksmithing is a big part of what they teach, along with basic construction principles etc. I think it’s quite a lot of restoring old heritage homes or public buildings/spaces but I’m not an expert (yet)!


It’s so fun to see overlap in interests among the people on here :joy: How do you like Psychology? (Sorry if this is too forward, I’m only asking because I’m about to start taking Psychology classes at a local college too lol)


It’s not too forward at all! I love psychology, and I have since high school! My area of expertise, if you can say an undergraduate has an area of expertise, is in clinical psychology and psychopathology, so I’m really interested in and fairly knowledgeable about psychological disorders and conditions. I find that psychology courses are really fun in that a lot of the stuff you learn, no matter how new it is to you, will feel really common sense, and you’ll definitely be able to see it in your everyday life. I also like that psychology, a lot of it anyway, is really practical; Being able to see and implement stuff in real life is kind of the point of studying something in my (somewhat Flinter-y) opinion!


Yeah, I agree wholeheartedly! My main focus would be how the brain processes trauma to try and help patients with PTSD or other trauma related neurological problems.