Balimora gardening club and terrorist organization.
Well, after much deliberating and voting (among three of us), Super Nature Friends has won, and it shall be how we’re remembered for generations to come.
Now that’s what I’m talking about!
I don’t know a man or woman alive that would turn down a flying ship, and for Weatherwatch I think it might be a necessity.
Or the Titanic. Don’t forget the Titanic
I think tattoo magiq would be a cool tool for Flinterforge biker gang. Shooting skulls and flames at enemies,summoning weapons, & amplify certain body parts; A strength boost or speed boost. I’m privy to a flaming self knotting chain, but that’s just me.
I’m glad this thread finally got revived.
Maybe it’s just my fever brain on medication, but all I’m thinking right now is Ebenguard > Tides > so that means our gang would just be some sick surfers
Feel free to disregard
No I like it! Chasing the golden line where the sun meets the water. And also maybe I want an excuse to grow my hair back out.
So are us Thorns just really aggressive librarians?
Oh gods that contrast
I’ll just be back here at the workshop with poultices, herbs and stern glances about not killing yourself or your engine through lack of maintenance.
Are you sure you’re not a Gossmere after all?
Nice try @Augustus_Octavian !
I’m always learning and creating. Right now it’s plants. 5 years ago it was music, costumes and art. 10 years ago poems
And my potion making is positively Flinty.
“Not got this, but this does everything you need!”
I feel like some Gossmerim may not even notice the apocalypse other than they need to spruce the place up. I imagine groups of Gossmerims just milling about going, “Its so dreary out here! You know what that windowsill needs? A garden box.” You can tell when they have been through an area because things have been tidied up and decorated.