Favourite Podcasts?

Lore is my absolute favourite! I also really like his new one Noble Blood


For artists and storytellers, Iā€™d recommend The Visual Storytelling Podcast! Itā€™s aimed primarily at artists in the animation industry, but they often discuss comics, writers, and other creative mediums as well. It has heavily effected how I approach my creative life. :smile:


Ooh that sounds really cool!
A new favorite of mine is the Noble Blood podcast, which is like a mix of a history/nobility/true crime podcast which just happens to be all of my favorite things so Iā€™m pretty hooked!! She looks at one famous royal person per episode and the stories are always wild


OH!! Another that might be of interest to this group is Levar Burton Reads, where the beloved star picks pieces of short fiction, often fantasy and sci-fi, and reads them.


Iā€™ve been really into The Magnus Archives lately. In summary itā€™s the archivist of a research institution that takes statements on paranormal occurrences going back through the archives in order to better organize them and record audio of all the written statements. The statements gradually become more connected and thereā€™s a bigger plot that develops as they go on. I especially recommend it for any horror-loving Thornmouths.


Iā€™m not 100% up to date with the Archives, but I really enjoy it! Unfortunately some of the horror is a bit too much for me :c Iā€™m really excited to catch up and get the ending. Itā€™s one of the few series Iā€™ve listened to that will have a set ending (as far as I know right now) and itā€™s a nice change of pace, instead of having them go on indefinitely.


Yeah Iā€™m on 142/186 currently. It is still going on, since two got released just today. Iā€™m not sure if they have an end time/episode specifically planned for it.


Iā€™m pretty certain that the end of this current season will be the end of the showā€“I think they might be trying to go for an even 200; but no real idea there.


Yeah that would be a good amount I think, stories like that can get ridiculous if they keep going for too long.


Iā€™m never going to miss and opportunity to discuss podcasts Iā€™m listening to. I mostly tend to lean towards TTRPG actual play podcasts, audio dramas, and true crime with a few historical and tech shows sprinkled in there as well.

My current tabletop line up consists currently of The Adventure Zone, Not Another D&D Podcast, Dungeon & Daddies, Join the Party, Dimension 20, and Ainā€™t Slayed Nobody. All of those being D&D 5e podcasts except ASN which plays Call of Cthulhu. In this current season Join the Party is doing 5e converted into a modern superhero setting and itā€™s just, chefā€™s kiss. I also highly recommend the Call of Cthulhu Mystery Program but theyā€™re currently on a long hiatus but are confirmed to come back.

I listen to far too many fictional audiodramas but some of my constants are Welcome to Night Vale and The Magnus Archives, which Iā€™ve already seen discussed here. If youā€™re into the Night Vale vibe then you might also enjoy the Lost Cat Podcast. Lesser Gods and Vega are both absolutely amazing, though I will say upfront that Lesser Gods seems to be on an unannounced, long-term hiatus as it seems that the creator and some of the actors have been moving on up in their careers which Iā€™m always happy for. Vega just has such a great and unique form of story telling that gripped me from the beginning so if thereā€™s any take away from this too long post then it would be to listen to Vega. Also, Old Gods of Appalachia! Just to list of a few others: Supernatural Sexuality with Dr. Seabrooke, The Bright Sessions, The White Vault, Uncanny County, Voyage to the Stars, Windfall, The Orphans, The Phenomenon, Mabel, Hello from the Magic Tavernā€¦ Really, there are far too many and I know there are some I havenā€™t listed but Iā€™m always down to talk about podcasts.

For true crime I feel like I can faithfully rely on And Thatā€™s Why We Drink, though they do one supernatural and one true crime story per episode and if youā€™re not a fan of hosts shooting the shit and getting off topic before and during the show then it might not be for you lol. Crime Junkies, My Favorite Murder, and Generation Why have been some of my staples. I initially listened to Sword and Scale but the hosts on-air and off-air antics turned me off of it so listen at your own risk. Besides that I tend to usually listen to limited seriesā€™ about particular people or events, S-Town, Dirty John, etc.

Lastly, finally, for history and tech itā€™s really just Noble Blood, Youā€™re Dead to Me, and Waveform.


So many good recommendations here!! I know there are definitely plenty of Night Vale fans here, and My Favorite Murder and Noble Blood are some of my favorites too!! Will definitely be coming back to this post to check out some of the audio dramas, because thatā€™s something I want to get into more this year.


I canā€™t remember if Iā€™ve talked about this, but if youā€™re looking for an audio-drama type podcast, The Orbiting Human Circus is surreal and weird but I really enjoy it! Itā€™s produced by the Nightvale group, and thereā€™s not much to it - most episodes are under 30 minutes, the original arc is only 8 episodes, and there was a second arc last year


I started it when it first came out but I couldnā€™t get into it at the time. A few other people have recommended it to me though so I definitely plan to give it another shot here soon.


Itā€™s been mentioned here once before, but Iā€™ve recently been listening to ā€œOlogiesā€ and I strongly recommend it to anyone who likes casually learning about random topics. Each episode (and a couple two-parters) focuses on a specific -ology or field of study, and the host Alie Ward interviews someone who is knowledgeable in that field, asking her own questions and those submitted by listeners. Something especially cool about this podcast is that she donates the sponsorship money from each episode to an institution of the intervieweeā€™s choosing. Itā€™s very laid-back and Alie is always super enthusiastic about every topic.

I just finished listening to a two-part segment on neuroendocrinology, discussing the science behind different gender identities and debunking the many pervasive myths about gender which was super interesting. Theyā€™re not always heavy topics like that though, I also recently listened to an episode about bryology, the study of moss, which made me really interested to go outside and just stare at moss this spring.


This is one of my favorites for the witchery-inclined. https://newworldwitchery.com/


Ologies is a shared podcast between my wife and I. We listen at different times because of schedules, but are sure to never get too far ahead of the other so we can talk about them.


I love that! So cool


Hi everyone! Iā€™m always excited to talk about my favorite podcasts, and to get new recommendations! I listen to a lot of different types as well, so maybe youā€™ll get something new out of this post!

Audio Dramas: (Basically only horror/creepy)

The Left-Right Game: A journalist embarks on a journey with someone who believes a driving game makes strange things happenā€¦ and then she disappears. Tessa Thompson is the main voice actress, ahem, need I say much more?

Darkest Night: A lab assistant at a mysterious lab works on a project where they are able to re-live the last hours/moments of recently deceased people. Each episode is a different persons memories, but there is an overarching plot line as well.

Rabbits: A woman is trying to find her friend who has recently disappeared after starting to play a game in real life that may not even exist, and in the process starts playing the unnamed game herself.

Sticks Shift Inc.: A young woman working too many jobs accidentally gets hired as driver for aā€¦ questionable corporation, one that may be run by ā€˜peopleā€™ from mythology.

Trivia/Puzzle Shows:

Go Fact Yourself: Two guests each week pick topics that they think theyā€™re experts in that has nothing to do with their jobs. Itā€™s super nerdy and funny, and you literally always learn something new. Also has really big guests like Penny Garcia from Criminal Minds!

Meddling Adults: Adults trying against all hope to sole the stories or puzzles from childrenā€™s mysteries; Scooby Doo and Encyclopedia Brown.

Ask Me Another: Super nerdy trivia and puzzle show with music games included. By NPR.

Wait, Wait, Donā€™t Tell Me: Also NPR, straight up the golden classic, has callers as the players but also comedians sprinkled throughout.

Also, my biggest ever recommendation is Youā€™re Wrong Aboutā€¦ The two hosts do episodes about events that either happened or didnā€™t but have some kind of cultural ā€˜understandingā€™ that just so happens to be myth. My favorite episodes if I had to pick might just be the Newsboys Strike of 1899 because Sarah (one of the hosts) was as obsessed with the movie Newsies as I once was as a preteen, hahaha. Honorable mention goes to all of the editions on moral panics like ā€œStranger Dangerā€ and the satanic panic.

Canā€™t wait to get to know everyone on here! Happy listening my new friends. :yellow_heart:


I know Iā€™ve encouraged listening to LeVar Burton Reads, where LeVar Burton reads works of short fiction, mostly of the speculative kind. Well, the latest episode, ā€œSt. Valentine, St. Abigail, St. Brigidā€ by C.L. Polk is of particular interest to AG.


Iā€™ve become obsessed with this, based on your mention.