Favorite Fantasy Novels

Haha same same. I just keep accumulating mass amounts of books. Eventually I’ll get to reading all of them XD. It’s a good retirement plan I suppose.


I’m on my second re-read right now xD but yes I agree that you have to binge it for the most optimal experience.


The best fantasy novel I’ve read so far was Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake. It was so complex and captivating, and I kept changing my mind about which character I most wanted to be crowned queen. The whole time I had no idea who would win, and the outcome was shocking and unexpected. The novel kept me on the edge of my seat and left me craving the next book. Would definitely recommend.


I’m reading that one right now!


So for my fantasy favorites, here thet are: There is at forts sont obvious ones like Harry Potter and Percy Jackson but I woukd like to concentrate more on the others. Some that I like the most are Strange the Dreamers, the Tearling trilogy, Tale of light and Shadow, Princess of the midnight ball and La vengeance des Ténébryss (There is no title in english).


the vengeance of tenebris?


Yeah I think it would be that but the novel does not exist on english, but if is a very good serie. :blush:


Not sure where this would go, so I thought this would be the closest…
Tomorrow Garth Nix is doing a book signing in a city near me… I’m not sure about going though.

  1. I’d have to travel by myself which is a really hard thing to do
  2. It’s in a city, which I’m also not good at
  3. Huge Fan Girl has no idea how to speak to someone she idolised as a teenager and may just squeak and flee with a whoosh of velvet cape/robe (because naturally I’d have to dress up)
    P.S I’ve never been to a book signing before :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

So I’m very late to reading this, so much so that it may be too little too late for this event, but…I totally recommend doing this, in general. I don’t know what your specific difficulties are with travelling alone, be they logistical, financial, mental/physical health related, etc., but think about it, and if the idea of getting to meet an author or someone else you really admire and take home their autograph is worth the practical difficulties, absolutely go for it. It may not turn out exactly like you expected, but even if something slightly disastrous happens, you did something for you and it comes with a tangible result you get to keep forever.

Example: the first time I took the Guide to MAGIQ (totally incidental to this story), I was standing in line at a con to get Felicia Day’s autograph. All my friends who had intended to come with me had bailed on me, so I was alone in costume in a part of the city I didn’t know at all, and my anxiety was not well-controlled at the time, so I was terrified going in that something there would trigger a panic attack and it would be a total disaster. But I researched how to get there, the schedule, food for the day, autograph times, etc. and I did it anyway. By the time it was my turn in line, I practically couldn’t hear anything over the sound of my blood rushing, and I accidentally told Felicia Day the passcode to my phone in our 30-second-long conversation? But the interaction was really sweet and wonderful, and now I have an autographed picture to remind me of it, along with a bunch of notes I took at panels (because yes, I am absolutely the sort of person who goes to cons for the panels, not just because they don’t require you to interact directly with people) and just an overall pride in myself for Doing The Thing™.

Sorry, that was long. All that to say, think about it. Plan it out. If you can make a plan to get there, and you were excited enough that you went through the effort to plan it out, do it.


I’m starting to reread the Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson, and I have to say it continues to be one of my favourite series. I do have a tendency to skip over certain portions though, since I’m re-reading.

I’m also reading a Discovery of Witches. I like the worldbuilding, but the actual characters and romance…eh. Not particularly my thing.


Either Discovery of Witches or the second one in the All Souls trilogy was one that kept me up reading until 4am once. :deirdrexd:

The third was kind of meh for me, but mainly for certain things toward the end. Won’t go into them because spoilers.


I’ve read the first and second ones before, I’m trying them again to see if I can finish the series. Last time I read them the final one wasn’t out.

I do really like the second one! However, I think I’m just too picky about how my romances get portrayed in novels. I’d like to watch the TV show as well, it looks like it was well-done at least visually.


Thanks for the reminder that I still need to hunt down the show! I’d been keeping an ear out for it since there were whispers of David Auburn being involved in the adaptation.


:heart_eyes: OMG, this was my first introduction to true epic fantasy!! I still look at my copies and wish my TBR pile wasn’t so very VERY long - I feel guilty re-reading books when there are so many others out there.

My all-time favorite series however, is Piers Anthony’s Incarnations of Immortality which, quite frankly, had an immense spiritual effect on my life (that’s something I’ve never shared before).

I’ve also found a lot of…we’ll say merit…in King’s Dark Tower series. I think I need another read-through to really work out the feels I had on my initial read.


River of Teeth by Sarah Gailey. It might sound morbid, but I’ll be damned if it isn’t the most fun book I’ve read all year. Imagine Ocean’s Eleven but half of the cast members are replaced with hippos.


My current favourite fantasy novels would be the forgotten realms legend of Drizzt series!


I really liked those ones!


I really don’t know if i can place a favorite. There are so many good fantasy novels that i’ve read. I think i’ll just make a list.

Wheel of Time (series) by Robert Jordan
Harry Potter (series) by J.K. Rowling
The Black Jewels (trilogy) by Anne Bishop
Cosmere (series) by Brandon Sanderson
Kushiel (series) by Jacqueline Carey
His Dark Materials (trilogy) by Philip Pullman
Merry Gentry (series) by Laurell K. Hamilton