Discord Town Hall: Wednesday at 6pm Herman Standard Time (EST)

Good morning Mountaineers!

Tomorrow night I will be hosting an AGP Town Hall in the Discord Cabinet, to catch you up on everything that’s happened since the end of The Monarch Papers and all the plans for 2018!

We’ll discuss PRSFNE, Patreon, book schedules, leadership, a bunch of company updates, and there will be a couple of surprises!

I’m looking forward to seeing you there!


Is there any way we can have… err… minutes or a summary to look at after the meeting? I have a commitment during that time and won’t be able to attend. I feel like I can speak for a large number of other Mounties (including internationals where this will fall at a weird time) when I say that I’d like to see what’s going on, too.


Devin will do a summary of the town hall regardless of when we do it, but I could also do 6pm HST if that works for more people.


Personally, neither time works for me. My two cents would be just stick to whatever works for you to convey the info you have in the best way possible, and we’ll all catch up when we can. A summary would be great, and it sounds like you have that covered, as usual.

Looking forward to hearing about everything.


6 hst works for me. maybe. potentially


Alright, 6pm HST it is! It will likely stretch to 8pm anyway and @DevinAG will be in attendance, taking notes so he can summarize by the end of the week here on the forum. And the conversation can continue here, especially for anyone who misses the town hall tonight. See you soon!


I’m going to be late for it, but I plan on being there!


Just a note to everyone who hasn’t been informed as yet that the Town Hall will be on the Discord to make it easy for everyone to participate and go back to review later on!