Did Someone Say Prizes? – 2019 End of the Year Survey

Hey friends!

You should have received an email from us this morning asking for participation in a SUPER short survey about the past year’s narrative and book shop items! We would absolutely love if as many of you could fill it out as possible, and as an incentive, we’re even raffling off some really cool prizes (including a year-long membership to The Briar Society).

So go check your emails (opening our emails helps us stay out of junk/spam folders, and we really appreciate it)!! And if for whatever reason you can’t find it, you can also complete the survey through this link: 2019 Survey.

PS: don’t get discouraged that the page doesn’t change after you click to enter the drawing on the last slide! We had to do some email magic but can confirm it’s still counting all the entries :cjheart:


I filled it but it wouldn’t let me click the last button so it would be complete…


If you clicked it, it’s complete! The page just doesn’t change, but your responses are recorded.


Oh god I clicked it so many times :pleading_face: sorry


Lol I think we all did :joy_cat: