DG's Presence in the Recaps

Hey folks (like @Robert and @Brendon) who are taking excellent stabs at these recaps… Was wondering if you two or someone else wanted to take on the task of looking back at Eaves’ Weekly Recaps and either integrating DG’s narrative into the recap or just adding a “Meanwhile… Deirdre” paragraph to the ends?

I would tackle them but I’m a little pressed for free time and would LOVE to have these ready by Phase 3. @Crytter has already delivered awesome drawings/footage for 1-6 and Simon is creating music for them as I type.

Let me know if someone wants to take on the task, or feel free to just dig in! You guys are saving my hide and making it MUCH easier for new players to catch up.


I don’t mind doing something like that. If @Robert wants to step in as well (if you don’t, that is totally cool too), I am sure we can sort out who is doing which fragments. I plan to take a stab at Fragments 6 and 7 this weekend when I have a little spare time, so I can fit in some DG “reminiscing” and go through what she was up to during the earlier fragments as well


Lifesavers you are!


I’m easy. I won’t be able to focus on it til this weekend myself, but I could start with the first and work my way up to cover what Deidre was doing if you like.


I am sure we can make this work. I feel like we can just work around each other when we have time to do this.