Creativity Support Pod – Nepenthe

I found the pattern I’ll be using when I make all of those hearts!

[spoiler]Also might’ve been doing a “two birds with one stone” thing for Saturday. :simon:[/spoiler]


I finished my short story draft for January! So I’m 1/12 of the way towards my goal. In celebration, I am making a donation to NaNo since the idea for the story came during 2018’s attempt.


Ahoy fellow makers-of-things! How go your projects? I see @Fox finished a short story! Huzzah! :confetti_ball:

Drafting my novel is like trying to pull cold taffy out of my brain right now, but I did make another Nessie toy out of my yarn stash to give to my manager’s son. Now I feel confident making the actual baby gift version. I’ve discovered that knitting critters to give away is awesome and I’m going to keep doing that.


I passed the halfway point on my draft dodger on Sunday.

I’m doing color changes kind of like a temperature blanket, only instead of temps it’s how many active named/numbered storms there were each day during the 2004 hurricane season. :deirdrexd:

Also discovered there’s a specialty yarn shop north of campus, so I plan on trying to see if they have cheaper access to the yarn I’m using for my temperature blanket. :crossed_fingers:


I’ve almost got a sleeve of my sweater finished! Trying to limit my knitting time to just when I’m watching TV with my roommates because if I start knitting and watching Netflix in bed by myself then I’ll never stop. Making progress, though!


Netflix and Knit is such a problem! :laughing:


Update: the last couple weeks I’ve been trying to have more small crafty moments, so I’ve been working my way through a knitting kit that my aunt got me for Christmas. It’s a simple cowl scarf - so like, one straight rectangular piece of moss stitch…but I’ve always considered myself bad at knitting so I mostly stick to crochet, so sticking to this project is sort of a big deal to me (also it’s redemption for my 5th grade self who tried to learn how to knit and made a glorious disaster of a moss stitch scarf). I’m not quite done, but I’ve been working on it in the evenings before I go to bed and I’m so close!!


I’ve managed to get my February short story done! But it really could be the intro chapter for something much larger if I felt particularly industrious. It subtly alludes to AG since I mentioned libraries that have half-remembered symbols stuffed between book pages.


Yay for a finished thing! :leaves: :butterfly: :leaves:

@Tinker I’m in the same boat, but with crochet! I learned chain stitch as a kid and made lots of yarn ropes. :laughing:


Hey, writerly types! My husband’s friend sent me a link yesterday to an indie press that is accepting happy, uplifting short stories for a public service arts project to help folks through the pandemic. It’s called the Healing Words Project!


There was a topic about Camp Nano for April and I can’t fiiiiind it (whine). But I think I want to join this year because it will make me focus more on my goals and get a short story at least done for April.


I know we had one last year for April but I’m not sure anyone made an official thread for this year yet! We can make a cabin again if there’s interest!


I’m (with extreme apprehension) gearing up for Camp as well. I decided to completely change my plans and attempt a short story instead of plugging away at my epic fantasy. I have characters and a sort-of hazy plot idea and aaahhhh…nothing else. :crazy_face:

I have no idea how this is going to go, but I really need to just finish something. @Fox even if we don’t have a whole cabin/group, we could be buddies if you like (I’m JoJoKells over there) .


I’d be up for a cabin - while I’m not extremely confident that I can meet my goal, I want to try. I’m foxae :slight_smile:


I can make an AG cabin! Looks like they redid the site since I last participated though so it might take me a second to figure out how :sweat_smile:

Will report back!


Looks like they may have done away with cabins? Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but for now I’ve started an Ackerly Green Wrimos writing group! Let me know if you’d like to be added!


Me me me


Added you! Seems like they’re just doing “groups” instead of “cabins,” but I think the general concept is the same.


Oh, yes I would love to join! I think their idea with replacing cabins with groups is to have them active all year and during the main November event as well.


Makes sense!!