Creativity Support Pod – Nepenthe

This is the support pod for those with creative revolution goals! This can be anything from writing, crafting, art, music, or any other form of creation you can think of! Use this space to share your projects and updates, offer tips and support, and (respectfully) hold each other accountable!

If you have any ideas for outside causes and charities to support or sponsor alongside your Nepenthe plans, please share them below as well!


In 2020, one of my goals is to write a short story per month. I’m mostly done with the outline for January’s, so I’m on track! This is just to write the drafts, not necessarily to go through the editing process.

Maybe we can share abandoned story ideas that someone else might want to write?

I don’t know if we want to choose a thematically related charity, but I like donating to Team Rubicon (disaster response that employees veterans to help them reintegrate into non-military society).


Okay so I’m not really sure if this is the right topic but one of my 2020 Revolutions is to start learning to play the piano. I I’ve very little experience so if anyone has any tips, pointers or advice I’d love to hear it! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Piano’s definitely a creative pursuit!

Unfortunately, high school band (where I was supposed to learn keyboard) didn’t pan out the way it was intended, so I have no advice. :sweat_smile:


Creative pursuits that I’ll definitely be working on are:

  • my temperature blanket (want to finish)
  • my Hobbit quilt
  • my Labyrinth quilt
  • my lighthouse cross stitch (which I will hopefully be able to get guidance from the designer on actual color usage, because the pattern notes are severely lacking to put it lightly)

I’ll probably add more things later.

I was thinking of destashing some of my older colorful yarn by making hearts for the Peyton Heart Project, which aims to help end suicide, bullying, and stigma about mental health issues. They put tags on them and then they’re left places for folks to find love out in the world. :cjheart:


I really like that as an idea to de-stash, @Ashburn! I have so many tiny little balls of leftovers that aren’t big enough for a whole project, maybe I’ll knit up some of those as a break from the sweater I just started!!

I am quite resolved to have this sweater last me through Bachelor/Bachelorette/Paradise season…it makes me feel like I’m losing fewer brain cells.


Creative goals for the year are to finish my rom com script and start learning how to draw a manga so I can do that project.

I already mentioned Extra Life in the Revolutions thread, but I can’t say how much I love them. We raised 14 MILLION dollars last year in North America alone, and that was with two hardcore DDoS attacks on our marathon day. Gamers do amazing things #ForTheKids.


@Fox Rubicon is an amazing charity and I am happy to support it

@BairnSidhe Extra life is also a great charity! Helpin’ kiddos is definately a valid charity that I’d be game to support

Are there other charities that the Creativity support pod would want to assist with? (and How?)


I mean, when I have the spare monies floating around, I like to send a bit toward the Office of Letters and Light (the NaNo folks)…

(I also have my amazon smile thing set to donate toward them)


My Creativity 2020 plan is to get out a rough/first draft of this book, and just ‘tell myself the story’, as the great Mr. Pratchett once said. I can hold myself accountable and be diligent about my progress while still embracing the chaos. :upside_down_face:

I also want to knit a blanket for my best friend’s baby, which could arrive any time in the next two months! I want to pick up my fibercrafts again this year, so @Ashburn 's de-stashing idea sounds awesome!


I love that.


I haven’t had a second to write out all my goals for the year, but just popping in to say that (from what I know of them through Critical Role) the 826 organization might be a good fit for this pod? I think they focus on creative writing kinds of things?


I’ve finally had a sit down and gone through my priorities for the year and here are the creativity-related ones:

  • Make more time for creativity in small chunks as opposed to trying to bang out full projects in one sitting on like one weekend per month
  • Work through one big, full costume build this year…I’ve got a couple ideas floating around my brain and I’d like at least one of them to happen
  • Learn a new skill I have the resources for - spinning my own yarn
  • Learn a new skill I have a reference for - basket weaving

I would also love to learn spinning! I picked up a bag of alpaca wool for very cheap at a faerie festival several years ago and it’s been languishing in my yarn drawer.


I’d like to learn spinning as well! Weaving too. I keep thinking I’d like to get a YouTube channel started, but… at the same time feel so unmotivated because I have no clue what to make the channel about.


My goal for this year is to finish university!! And to do that, I have to make a 21 page comic, with front and back cover… I want to actually give it some colour, too, which would be great! My last few comics have all been 2-4 colours only, this time I want to splash some other things on here and there! So that’s my goal, that’s the aim for my creative life :cherry_blossom: :cherry_blossom: :cherry_blossom:


I found the pattern I’ll be using when I make all of those hearts!

[spoiler]Also might’ve been doing a “two birds with one stone” thing for Saturday. :simon:[/spoiler]


I finished my short story draft for January! So I’m 1/12 of the way towards my goal. In celebration, I am making a donation to NaNo since the idea for the story came during 2018’s attempt.


Ahoy fellow makers-of-things! How go your projects? I see @Fox finished a short story! Huzzah! :confetti_ball:

Drafting my novel is like trying to pull cold taffy out of my brain right now, but I did make another Nessie toy out of my yarn stash to give to my manager’s son. Now I feel confident making the actual baby gift version. I’ve discovered that knitting critters to give away is awesome and I’m going to keep doing that.


I passed the halfway point on my draft dodger on Sunday.

I’m doing color changes kind of like a temperature blanket, only instead of temps it’s how many active named/numbered storms there were each day during the 2004 hurricane season. :deirdrexd:

Also discovered there’s a specialty yarn shop north of campus, so I plan on trying to see if they have cheaper access to the yarn I’m using for my temperature blanket. :crossed_fingers: