Corona & Community Update

Hi Mounties!
I will probably go over some of these things in the Hangout next Wednesday night but I wanted to update you on a few things with regards to Ackerly Green, Covid-19, and the community.

First, people have tested positive for the virus in both our office building and in my apartment building so I’m up with my family in the country for the foreseeable future. The kids aren’t back in school until May at the earliest so we’re hunkering down up here.

We can’t go back home or to work right now (my asthma being one major concern), so Matty and I are busy keeping the kids busy and co-husbanding with work around the house.

Add to that virus-related fulfillment and editorial delays that are out of our hands, which means most everything is being pushed back or slowed down a bit.

That includes The Book of Briars release, merchandise delivery, some of The Briar Society content being pushed (some of the narrative hinges on The Book of Briars being complete), and AG+ gifts not being fulfilled.

It’s been a pretty crazy time, and I know all this might not be one of your primary concerns given the world right now, but I wanted to make sure you all knew exactly what was happening behind the scenes, and reassure you that we’re working to make sure we are back up and running as soon as possible.

Here are some ways we’re working to remedy the delays and also help the community however we can:

  • If you’re trust level 2 or higher there is now a temporary Discord channel for you to connect with the community outside the forum. You will find the link in either the Trust Level 2 private message that went out last week or the welcome email you’ll receive on becoming TL2.

  • The Monarch Papers - Complete Saga (both volumes) is now available for free if you’re itching to read/catch up.

  • If you want to catch up on The Book of Briars pre-order release but can’t afford it, please submit a request through the Community Fellowship. There have been some very generous donations to the Fellowship fund over the past couple weeks and it’s there for everyone, especially in times like this.

  • If monthly TBS or AG+ members are concerned about being able to cover their monthly enrollment/subscription fees, please reach out to us. Not only can the Fellowship help with that, but there are a couple anonymous angel Mounties who have offered to help their fellow community members if/when possible.

  • Because The Briar Society is partially delayed (there will be regular content, like the release this week, but some primary narrative elements will be delayed a little) we’re offering monthly members a free month off and we’re providing annual members either a coupon code for the shop or an exclusive piece of merchandise (we’re still working out the details.)

So that’s everything. I hope you’re all staying safe, and if you need anything, please reach out. There are a lot of things out of our hands right now, but Catherine and I are still working at our respective homes.

Please consider joining the Hangout Wednesday night. I will keep it going as long as possible so that we can all check in and have some fun.
I love you all.


my question is, what time is the hangout meet at? And is it google hangout or Zoom? Also, is it every week on Wednsday? Thank you! I hope to be joining the meetings soon!


The hangouts usually start at 8pm eastern time, and they’re once a month. They’re usually a YouTube live stream, but this last one was also on zoom.