Consolatory Teatime for Misplaced Memory

Share your memories here.


The first time I got my garden boxes in our new house to actually grow plants by adding in soaker hoses for irrigation (rather than regular sprinklers). Summer is coming and Iā€™m getting my boxes ready for another round of planting.

ā€œNow tell me something you remember; eyes are open, ears are hearing, something far away but nearing, something bubbling into view, something gone now made new.ā€


Most calming memories for me always involve my gramā€™s farm. Playing in the grassy pastures, find animal hidey holes, digging in the rich red clay and creating little figurines, ā€œhidingā€ from the crows or ā€œplaying tagā€ with cows, Sunday morning omelettes and home made buttermilk biscuits.

Now tell me something you remember, eyes are open, ears are hearing, something far away but nearing, something bubbling into view, something gone made now and new.


Everything about my Gran. Her teaching me to cook, to knit, the card games, her laughā€¦

Now tell me something you remember, eyes are open, ears are hearing, something far away but nearing, something bubbling into view, something gone made now and new.


Going out to a campsite in the orchard, and finding somewhere calm in the trees and sitting and watching the world go past. Sat watching the birds and hoping I might see a fox, surrounded by nothing but natureā€¦

Now tell me something you remember, eyes are open, ears are hearing, something far away but nearing, something bubbling into view, something gone made now and new.


A memory of mine that sticks out in my head is last spring out on a dock on a lake in mid spring meditating while reading about Buddha. Taking in all the nature around me, the ebb and flow of the waves of the lake splashing in a beautiful synchronicity helping me meditate deeper helping to be fully aware of my connection with the Earth and its energies. The cool spring breeze blowing across my face and ruffling my hair in my face like feathers on a bird. The warmth of the suns rays beaming down on me warming every part of my body they touched. The birds chirping, singing flying here there and everywhere. Ahhh spring.

Now tell me something you remember, eyes are open, ears are hearing, something far away but nearing, something bubbling into view, something gone made now and new.


Walking up Pendle Hill near to my home and standing on the top, on a clear day looking out over Lancashire. The wind blows all around you so you canā€™t hear anything else. I remember an immense sense of calm and peace. I was alone but not lonely and I felt like everything was possible.

Now tell me something you remember, eyes are open, ears are hearing, something far away but nearing, something bubbling into view, something gone made now and new.


The first time I went to get coffee with my friends, the smell of coffee and the gentle laughter of the cafe. My friend got me a Mocha, my first coffee drink ever, and I just remember sitting in that cafe, watching my friend talk mildley while the stained glass windows cast all sorts of colors on her.


I have this memory of the night before my family and I were moving cities. I just remember laying on the back of our family trunk (we had a cover over the truck bed). And since this was a pretty small town, I could look up and see countless stars in the night sky. It was a break from all the hustle and bustle of moving, and it is just such a good, and peaceful and pleasant memory to look back on even to this day.

Now tell me something you remember, eyes are open, ears are hearing, something far away but nearing, something bubbling into view, something gone made now and new.


I donā€™t have many good memories, but of the few I do have Iā€™d say many of the best are from my cooking. I donā€™t think thereā€™s any greater feeling than being told youā€™ve done something well, just like when I made my girlfriend karaage chicken for the first time and she went totally mental for it. The look on her face as she tried each piece brought a new smile to my face each time. It was one of the nicest meals weā€™ve ever shared because I got to see her so happy.


Funny story, I went to this thread and noticed not only was I using the same cup, but the same tea as Augustus! xD Hibiscus is such a lovely tea.

My story actually involves this tea. When I first started struggling with anxiety, I found few things could calm me down. But this tea really helped me slow my heart rate, calm me down, especially when combined with some deep breathing. I donā€™t even know why, my mom just told me it would help, and I wanted to sincerely believe it would. Now, whenever Iā€™m feeling anxious, I like to drink a cup and, while itā€™s not always foolproof, it often helps a lot.

Now tell me something you remember, eyes are open, ears are hearing, something far away but nearing, something bubbling into view, something gone made now and new.


You have excellent taste, @Revenir.


As do you, my friend! Hibiscus high five! :raised_hands:


My most calming memory came from a time that really wasnā€™t all that calming. When I was younger, I hung out with the stereotypical ā€œwrong crowd.ā€ We partied too much, we drank, we smoked, we did things we definitely shouldnā€™t have, and we kind of revelled in doing whatever we really felt like. I was one of those people that most would try to avoid. I had been kicked out of my parents house, and I was alternating between being homeless and crashing on peopleā€™s couches after parties. It was after one of those parties that I sat on a porch and watched the night turn into day.

I hadnā€™t slept yet that night, the crap I had put in my body had finally worn off, and I felt miserable. So I walked out to the front porch and enjoyed the fresh air. Sometime during going outside and the sun rising, I had what Iā€™d most closely associate with an epiphany. I realized that I was wasting my life. I remembered all the promise I showed in school, how much I loved the people around me and the world around me too. I realized that I wasnā€™t going anywhere but down with the choices I was making, and I decided that I was going to quit using and partying, and try to get my life back on track. That sunrise was one of the most profound moments of my life.

Iā€™ll never forget the way the mist rose off of the lake as the sun finally broke over the horizon. I felt like I was given a chance to change and grow.


The Barenstein Bears. I always remember it as ā€˜steinā€™


I remember, this one time where I got a scar on my left eye, (I already had one on my right.) I had been climbing a tree, when a branch snapped and cut it, I went home got patched up and that was the end of it. A few years later my mom was shocked when she noticed it, and she told me I had never fallen out of a tree. Weirdly enough she was the one who had helped me clean it, and she never forgets anything. I was really freaked out by that.


KS mindwipe?