Collaborative Oracle Deck

I think @Rimor is on the nose with the first quote I included. With the how it feels and what not.

I think the 2nd quote is the more so hoped for part. Mainly being that not all recruits actually stick around or are active. Although quite a few do, not all. It’s an amazing feeling watching someone you’ve recruited really take this challenge of rising through the forum head on and be successful. Sometimes they even beat you to one of your goals! (I’m talking about you @SabineBean :joy:)


@Rimor - would one (or both) of you like to put together a sort of “description” of what the Wagoneer card should really represent for this exercise? I think people with experience in the role would be better suited than my more… generic, shall we say, descriptions based off tarot archetypes.
I really, really like how the deck is already starting to take on a life and shape of its own!


To me it looks pretty good, but @Rimor and I will have a discussion and get back to you! If @BrokenVoid gets on soon all three of us might work on it.


This is looking really cool, guys! It’s awesome to see how relevant some of our roles are to these archetypes as well :cjsmile:


That’s very cool! But @Ignatius @Rimor the Empress is the only card I absolutely could not be (that’s my ex gf’s card haha) but I’m intrigued to see how all of this goes!
I do feel like the chariot works well for the wagoneers too! It’s about overcoming conflicts and moving forward through hard work, if I remember right! :cherry_blossom:


If we’re making in all Maqiqversey then its not really the empress card now is it? Besides I think that card works, if nothing else it works here, and now. Perhaps it will change in the future, you never know. (Just let us give you compliments lol)

On another note @Hekate I promise we are discussing it, but we keep having to take breaks from the conversation as the real world demands attention lol


No worries, no rush; I have an excessive amount of time on my hands right now and this gives me a creative project to channel that into :sunglasses::crystal_ball::flower_playing_cards:
@SabineBean Fear not, new friend; indeed Ignatius is correct - I was using what I was familiar with (tarot) to help me understand how to tap into what I’m less familiar with (Magiqverse). No more numbers, fewer direct tarot references moving forward. Now I’m focusing on essence and intent. I’d love to get your thoughts on the other cards so far, if you’re so inclined?
Side note; sorry about the ex-girlfriend - if Empress ain’t happy, the whole kingdom goes to turmoil :disappointed:


@Hekate Don’t worry about it! I’m on decent terms with all of my exes, it’s more of a ‘this belongs to her and I wouldn’t want to encroach on something she resonates with’ feeling than a particularly bad one. This is also why I can’t watch the new Moomin series :blossom: (Also @Ignatius I do love the compliments, thank you!!)

And as for thoughts on the other cards you’ve been brainstorming, I’ll leave the rest of the Wagoneers discussion to them (for now) and have a look at the others! I’m a big fan of your description of the Cagliostro one, partnership and learning seem to be the major themes involved there. Perhaps inheritance and the concept of borrowed ideals could be involved with that card also?
Recruit is good. It comes with a sense of victory that feels well placed. If you have worked hard you will be rewarded just as hard. It’s a good concept and feels well needed!
Guild leader showing a progression and change, new responsibility and commitment are inevitable, and there’s suddenly a sense that others are relying heavily on you. That’s the feeling I get from that, so I think what you said works just fine!
I get a good sense of gentleness from your descriptions, you’ve really taken the time to consider all of these concepts so nicely! What wonderful work you’ve been doing! :cherry_blossom:


Okie, so, now that I have finished Cosmos & Time, and starting to catch up on the current narratives, I’m wondering if this Oracle (or maybe Herald) Deck could also function as a bit of a picture primer for newbies?
Forum Activity

  • Mundane - Oblivious, unaware of their full surroundings, uninterested in exploration/adventure, happy to leave well enough alone.
  • Newbie - Testing the waters, determining their place, choosing whether to jump in or bail out, uncertain
  • Recruit - Responsible, community focused, driven, eager, hopeful, yearning, determined, seeking to belong, still proving their mettle
  • Member - ???
  • Regular - ???
  • Wagoneer - First contact, open arms, helping hand, support system, planting seeds, urging others along, driving the bandwagon and helping as many people hop on as you can
  • Guild Leader - ???
  • Out of World - I imagine this as sort of the… Location version of Mundane? Like, you know there are two worlds, but ordinary things need your attention right now. Magiq will always be there waiting, so tend to your responsibilities or you may lose your place in your own reality?
  • In World - Magiq is all around you if you’re only willing to believe it. This is the grey in-between place before you are fully accepted into the Magiqal Wilds. Hold steady as you await your final invitation - your perseverance is paying off.
  • Discord Server - ???

Flora & Fauna

  • The Reporter - Someone who observes without getting involved, a note taker, an organizer, a celebrator of other people’s achievements. Someone who is capable of more than they think, if only they would take action.
  • The Heir/ess(?) - A promised future awaits this person, a path has been laid out for them - there is still a choice to follow the path, change directions, or make the path their own, but there will be some inescapable aspects of the journey.
  • Base Camp - Starting point on the journey, others have walked this path before, some remain as guides, some have left. The tools, the stories, the memories remain. You are not alone, even if your party may be sparse. You are not starting from nothing, you are walking in the footsteps of those who came before.
  • The Low - There are people working behind the scenes, it is unclear at this point if they are working for you or against you, but it affects your journey, and you have to wait for the outcome before you can move forward.
  • Guide to Magiq - your journey is beginning, your test is beginning. Do you have what you need? Are you being honest with yourself? You cannot hide your truth, this trial will draw it out of you. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and trust the flow of Magiq.
  • Adept - You have proven your inner nature and been embraced by the world of magiq. You are still learning what your affinities are, but no one can deny that magiq lives and breathes through you.
  • Abandoned Subway - Something bad is coming, there’s just no two ways about it. You’ve probably had a gut feeling about it and this is your opportunity to brace for impact.

I’m running out of creativity, but now that I’m a little more familiar with AGP/TMP/Magiqverse, I feel a little more comfortable expanding on some of @Revenir’s original thought spawns, but I’m also a little nervous that I don’t totally have a grasp on like… the shape and feel of some of the aspects, y’know?



Anyone else wanna take a stab at some of these? (Maybe people who feel more confident at describing or creating images of the magiqverse? :blush::sunglasses: )


Pushing people out of the nest sounds so mean :joy:


:rofl: I meant it positively, as in, like… Getting people out of their comfort zones to try something new! I think you’re right though, comes across a bit harsher than it seemed in my head :sweat_smile::rofl:


No one’s ever grown by staying firmly inside their bubble


Linking to @Nimueh 's digitized runes from the Peering Arts narrative.
I can imagine these being beautiful cards - the fact that they’re intrinsically linked to AGP and have story attachments is a super bonus. I don’t know what category to put them in… A Peering Arts deck? A Guild deck?
I think they’re just beautiful inspiration for a Mountie deck regardless of how :heart_eyes:


Hi I’m a graphic designer currently working on designing a tarot deck! I’d love to help out here too!


All help is welcome! If anything inspires you we’d love to see your creations/interpretations! I’m not much of a visual artist, myself, just a gigantic tarot/divination junkie. I’m good with words and stories, not so much pictures :confounded:


I read tarot and do other divination methods as well, tbh I’m a witch.


You’re among friends here :flower_playing_cards::crystal_ball::woman_mage: