Campfire Writing Club

Hello, hello, Mountaineers!

Welcome to the Campfire Writing Club!

This is a community free-participation (which means 100% voluntary, 100% of the time, no sign-ups or check-ins) organization, where we put together regular activities designed to get the creative juices flowing.

Specifically, the activity this club will focus on is creative writing.

There will be regular, unscheduled free-writing groups (with open threads for participation in case you’re more of a lone-wolf type, or just busy), weekly writing prompts posted here in Campfire, and NaNoWriMo. You can also post your projects for the community to review, critique, or just to share.

Each month, I will post our prompt schedule. There will be roughly 3-4 prompts per month, depending primarily on how long the month and how busy. Every week, I will open the thread for you to post your submission for the prompt, and it will stay open for you even after the week has passed in case you wanted to give it a go!

Freewriting will be random, frequent, and designed to help you warm up those writing muscles to build your regular writing habit.

NaNoWriMo in November, and Camp NaNoWriMo in April/July (they had two sessions last year) rep, prep, and assistance will run through the writing club as well.

Everything is totally optional, and at your pace. The goal is to give everyone a chance to participate, stretch their imagination, and grow as a writer while keeping a low-maintenance, low-pressure, supportive environment.

I really hope that you guys are (or will be) as excited about this as I am.

The Campfire is one of the most wonderful, vibrant parts of this community, and it was made that way by you, Mounties.

Write on,


If creative writing isn’t really your thing, but you’re still looking for ways to participate, our community also has an amazing Mountie Motivation Fitness Group (headed by Augbro the Eldest), a Daily Photo Challenge put together by Selalellen, and a soon-to-be-revamped Watercolor Club headed by Revenir!


Smashes Join Button immediately


Oh heck yes