Calling All Language-Learners!

I’m still a total rookie, so any help would be really appreciated! Duolingo actually seems to be helping a bit, but talking would be so much more effective.


I’m an native English speaker (NZ English) but I love learning new languages. Something about them clicks with my brain. But I never end up becoming anyway decent with them because I don’t know many people who are willing to learn with me, or know the language to talk to so the vocab tends not to stick. I’ve studied French at school for 5 years, and if I try I can remember more than I think but it’s all useless things like stationary. I’m currently trying to learn Japanese by myself, and I would love to learn a form of Gaelic or Welsh. Finnish and Korean are both also high on my list to learn one day.

If anyone is keen to learn together to chat or anything do flick me a message!


That is so cool! Makes me want to dive back into learning again :two_hearts:


I can’t read much Japanese, but when I can get a word or two, I get stupidly excited. This is an instant soup packet and it turns out I can read the first word in hiragana. I don’t remember enough to read the whole line, but I’m proud that I can do it. Tofu isn’t a word I’ve seen in my studying so it was fun to recognize it.

To u fu


So since some people have expressed interest in learning a new language I thought I’d resurrect this topic! I know a little bit of french from my time in School but I don’t remember a lot :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


That’s how I am too. I did really well at French in high school and could speak it pretty well by the time I was done but I haven’t used it at all and now it’s mostly gone. I’ve been putting a lot of work into learning Polish, and have been successfully holding a few conversations with natives over text.


Well I’m a translator and I know Portuguese, Spanish and English. Currently learning japanese and I dabble on French as well!


I’m a fluent English speaker, born and raised in the US.

I’m an intermediate French…well, I’d say more reader/listener than speaker due to lack if practice with other people. I love that this thread exists!

I’m also learning Japanese as of very recently. I’ve got a hesitant grip on the hiragana…that’s about it so far.

I mostly use duolingo due to convenience, but I’ve got some of my favorite books in French that I’ve been s l o w l y making my way through, and I try (oh do I try) to watch/listen to french youtubers as well.


I’ve been listening to a lot of non-english music recently, which is a tool that can be very useful to language learners. The music gets the words stuck in your head, so once you learn the meaning of the lyrics you’ll be able to recall them more easily. If anyone has a favorite artist or group in another language they’d like to share, it might help someone find some good music to help their studies. I’ll give some of my personal favorites:

German: Adel Tawil

Polish: Kwiat Jabłoni


English and surprisingly fluent in cat.
Studied French and Spanish a t gcse level.
Tried learning latin.


I feel like latin is one of those languages that everyone thinks would be cool to know, but once you actually get into it it’s not that interesting, and there aren’t many practical applications for it anymore on account of it being a dead language.


The best thing I remember about Latin lessons, was our teacher was always late. On multiple occasions we changed the clock so she thought the class only had 5min remaining from an hour long class. She was only 10min late.


Wow. The only formal language class I’ve had was French in high school, and our teacher was always there way ahead of us. I’d love to get a Polish tutor sometime in the future once I have more time outside of school and work.


In 7th grade we were required to take all three: Spanish, French, and German. 8th grade we were required to choose one to continue with. We had the option to continue on in high school. My sister had to fight to be allowed to do all three in high school. They only let her do it in 11th grade. Then she added Arabic to her repertoire in college.


I’ve taken French from elementary school through high school. I can still speak a little but it’s mostly conversational at this point. I took two semesters of sign language for my college language requirement which I loved a lot and am still actively trying to keep up with signing.


also @connielass that’s a lot of languages to have to learn in 7th grade!!


It was split up, one language at a time for a set number of months.
The really crazy thing was, when we got to high school, those of us who opted to continue were informed by our teachers a few days in, that we’d have to start over again because our teachers in middle school had taught us wrong.
The one teaching both Spanish and French was actually more knowledgeable in Italian, while the teacher who’d taught German was Polish in origin…


That’s crazy! My French teacher in high school was fluent in seven different languages so I always thought it would be cool to get a quick preview of a ton of different languages but not quite like that!


I’ve recently been stoking the Mindflame by learning to read hieroglyphs. It’s pretty cool and after just a couple hours I’ve ben able to successfully understand a few different tablets from museum pictures which feels awesome.


yooooo that’s amazing!!!