Butterfly, mirrored text, or both?

While discussing the information we currently have available, another Mountaineer mentioned that if you hover your cursor over the “33” in the banner of this website, the first 3 switches to a mirror image. Go ahead, try it. Go on, I’ll wait.

See? Pretty odd, huh? So the question becomes what significance it may have. At first, I thought it created the image of a butterfly. Since a Mountaineer tweeted a link regarding a butterfly being rescued from extinction and that same butterfly is also the banner picture of Deirdre Green’s blog, I firmly believe the butterfly has some significance. However, another Mountaineer told me that that person also tweeted a link to a page about DaVinci and his written text that can only be read in a mirror. Is the “33” a reference to the butterfly, a mirrored text/image, both?

Would love to know what others are thinking.


Also, if you look at Deirdra’s instagram one of her posts is a painting of a woman covered in butterflies pointing to a note that says “OBJECTA e. Dv.”

No idea what that means but I think the butterfly absolutely has some significance, most likely because they are symmetrical–or mirrors of themselves.


The first 3 in the 33 doesn’t change for me when I put my cursor over it. Am I doing something wrong or is it because technology hates me. :-/


That is very interesting. It could be the browser you’re using or if you have Flash disabled (just guessing here). If you have more than one computer, you should try it on another just to see if it’s still a problem.