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I am planning on getting a Lughnasa candle, I just don’t have the extra money quite yet.


I definitely forgot that wax melts were a thing until last week and thought I’d have to miss out on the AG Alchemy stuff because of my apartment’s candle policy…so as long as wax melts are still a viable part of your plan :eyes:


I feel like I should chime in to mention that you can actually get wax warmers that fit candles, and can turn your entire candle into a massive wax melt, for people who cannot do flames in their homes for whatever reason! I have one and it’s great for when I’m worried my adhd-brain will lead me to forget that I have an open flame just sitting there and just, like, leave the house without putting it out first, or something.


Yeah my fiancee mentioned those to me the other day because I have a bunch of candles that have burned through the wick but still have a little layer of wax at the bottom, so a candle warmer is useful in that situation too.