Book Club: The Book of Briars

Now I want that so very very badly I’ll be devastated if it doesn’t!


This makes me have all the happy feelings. It’s very scary introducing complex new characters to the Magiqverse club, hoping and praying that they’re even remotely as well received as the og Mountaineers. They’ve been with me since 2015 so I’m very used to them taking up head and heart space, but was pretty nervous how they would be received. :cjheart:

Also, fun fact, Alistair and Ben made an appearance in the very, very early days of our Ackerly Green Instagram feed. :cjtea:


:eyes: :eyes: :eyes:


They’re still there. :cjheart:


Oh oh!

Also…who is Frank? Do we know of Frank? What happened there?! Yikes.


Naaaaah …

Could it be?


There they are!


So, because I’m getting totally wrapped up in all of this & not feeling great so I’m glued to my phone, I’ve been reading through the WIKI to help straighten out the names and events and all.

@robert posted a theory yesterday, above. Things can’t be combined without something to know them together. Something I’m thinking about is the silk that Anne if Brittany’s body was buried in. The Wool & Silver have “continued” so to speak, but where’s the Silk? Will that become a new path to Neither or once the Books of Wild & Kings are bright together?


Here’s another idea…I have not done the math and dates seem to be so obscure in this world (at least to me, but dates aren’t something I’m good at), but could Alistair actually be part of the Santa Colette Six, sent to her Aunt & Uncle for recovery/hiding? I’m likely missing something that clearly states otherwise, but the story she “knows” might also be a protective lie?


The book does say that her aunt and uncle “gave her their last name”. So it’s entirely possible she’s one of the six under her previous name.

Maybe they also gave her the name Alistair (a traditional male name to most people) to throw people off looking for her.

Plus, she had the same psychiatrist as the Six, which is suspicious if she’s not one.


Rereading the pertinent section of chapter 11.

The Santa Colette Six are (or were):

Janie Grant
Billy Holtzman
Veronica and Marjory Morrow (twins)
Aaron and Wyatt Haim

I’d tentatively rule out the twins. Unless Alistair forgot she had a twin sister and they separated them. Possible, but this seriously complicates this exercise.

Billy went on to become a public figure.

That leaves Janie, Aaron and Wyatt.

I don’t see anything about Aaron and Wyatt. Janie is described as “the paragon perfect teenage” with "ongoing mental health “complications”. Her parents got divorced while she was missing.

I don’t know. I’m liking Jamie Grant for Alistair.


I also get the sense of a deadname. I could see that Alistair is one of the boy-presenting Santa Colette kids who transitions after moving in with aunt and uncle.


Also, while I’m sitting here staring at chapter 11. Is this weird to anyone else?

Ben hears a noise. The book clearly states at 4am he decides to go looking for the source outside. Eventually he finds the bird. He yells at it a bit finally yelling “Wait!”

The next paragraph Ben watches the bird fly off and clearly hears it say “Follow”.

The VERY next paragraph starts with “He watched the sun come up from his porch.”

That feels like missing time to me. Some googling shows sunrise in upstate newyork in September is approximately 6:30 am.

What did he do for two and a half hours? Why does he never mention the bird again? What did we miss? or am I just overthinking this?


To help adjust your tinfoil hats a little, Alistair is a good decade-ish younger than the Six.


You’ll have more context in Part 3. :cjtea:


Way to spoil our sport…


The timelines don’t seem to line up, but when Alistair talks about her missing time as a kid, she says something about remembering cold and darkness and snow. When I see snow I tend to think Lauren; didn’t Martin have dreams about Lauren with a girl in the snow and cold near a/the little red house? Did we ever learn who that girl was? Port?

I gotta say I’m in love with Ben and Alistair and I’m incredibly excited to finally see Aether and find out what he’s up to!


If I remember correctly, the girl with Lauren was her sister


Man the ending of part 2 sure is surreal.


That ending had my hyped!

So did Ben’s reaction to “I would hope so, sir. She just hung up.”
Accurate Representation of Me Reading That: :scream:


It’s interesting that Ben tried to view this site, but it seemed broken to him. IF we are dealing with our current time period, that means the veil is closed to Ben. I’m curious if Alistair or maybe Lev would be able to get in. Of course, if Robert’s theory about two ages overlapping is correct, maybe Ben is in the wrong one to access the site.

Seeing Endri, Bash, and Aether again made my heart explode with rainbows :rainbow: and I’m sure Deirdre wouldn’t mind tooooo much that they’re borrowing her house. That being said, it seems like D has been away for a while, so I’m curious why Alistair was given the brownstone address.