Basecamp 34 Update: 3/17/20

Hi everyone,
I hope you’re all faring well and staying healthy. I was planning on checking in anyway, but Yuri specifically wanted me to reach out and fill you in on something she could maybe use your help on.

She and Port have gotten close recently, it’s pretty adorable, a big sis/little sis vibe. Btw, Ali is okay; she’s just been hit especially hard by the loss of her power, generations of memory gone… She recently took a sabbatical from Lion’s Heart. I will follow up on that when I have more time.

Anyway, Port and Yuri have both been working on a project to figure out how adepts have changed, and how their powers work in the new age, if at all.

For example, Yuri used to be able to “see” magimystic currents, as well as sometimes seeing their connections to things, as well as their sources. Like, she should’ve been able to see the leylines Lauren laid out, but couldn’t. Or barely could. It’s complicated. She describes it as hearing a whisper in a loud, pitch-black room and trying to find its source in the dark when she used to have a flashlight. She doesn’t know if this is just fading residual power that will eventually die, or if this is the new normal for her (and all adepts.)

It’s the same for Port. If you don’t know, Port can parse elements of someone’s future by accessing their traditional five senses. She can “tell someone’s future” by how their senses will experience future events. Those senses mingle with her own, and she can taste, smell, hear, touch, and see elements of what’s to come for someone (Yuri said there are more senses than five, but I didn’t understand what she was saying after that, so please don’t count on me for this kind of information) but she’d been unable to access her power for months.

As part of their project, Yuri has spent the winter doing specialized meditation with Port and a few other adepts that once had more ephemeral or “low-cost” abilities, and two days ago Port started sensing the futures of a handful of random people somewhere out there in the world!

Port sensed really basic stuff, and the futures she saw weren’t all that noteworthy, glimpses of streets they walked, smells, how certain places made them hungry or happy or inspired… but it’s something.

SO, that’s where good old BC33 comes in. Your magimystic mission, should you choose to accept it— Help sort these details out and figure out where they are in the world so Port can better focus on them. It might help Port, Yuri, and all the other adepts to understand how their powers work now (in ways I didn’t fully understand the first time but will totally ask about again.)

Here are Yuri’s notes about Port’s “visions”:

  • She heard people speaking French, Russian, and Spanish.
  • There was the smell of sea air where someone was speaking what she thought was Russian.
  • She heard what she described as “two kinds of French.”
  • One was just French, the other was mixed with English idioms and phrases, and occasionally broke into full English where she could also hear different voices and the sound of pedestrians and traffic.
  • Someone gave someone directions in English but with a French accent. It happened too quickly for her to hear anything else.

Is that enough to start? They’re going to keep working at it, but Port finds it exhausting, and it takes a lot out of her. Not at all like it used to be. Yuri and the others are taking good care of her, though, making sure she doesn’t push herself too hard.

I have to go now, but I’ll be back down in a couple of days to follow up, see if you’ve found anything, and with more info if Port senses any.


Could the mixed French & English parts be New Orleans? Maybe even some Creole being heard, and not just Franglish?


Hi @Eaves! Thanks for the update—interesting description of the remains Yuri is tracing and what Port is sensing.

It is worth asking—do we know these impression are all from one place, or are there two or more mixed together? I’m assuming all from one—they seem linked.

There does appear to be a New Orleans Russian Community Center, out in Metairie (near the airport): It’s off Lake Ponchartrain, so I’m not sure you’d smell sea air so much as swamp.

I was also thinking Montréal, but again, no sea air.

San Francisco: The Richmond District has s substantial Russian population and probably sea air, but no French and French/Creole that I can see.


Glad to hear from you again, Eaves! And extra glad to hear that Port and Yuri are so close, it’s always good to have a good support system and I would guess especially when you have lost or are losing something. One big question I have is if Port sensed stuff from a handful of people, is this all about one person or are some of these notes about different people?

My immediate thought was New Orleans as well, @Kallisti, but the Russian or pseudo-Russian (if Port wasn’t sure) is tripping me up. Especially because there are plenty of places where French and English have been blended and lots of places where both French and Spanish are common but not so many where Russian is also in the mix.


To my ears, Portuguese often sounds like French, and Portugal is on the ocean and near France with a big expat community including Russians, Brits and Americans


I want to know if these visions are all from the same place, or are/could they be in separate places around the world? If so, might I suggest the northern coast of Maine for the French speaker(s)?


I don’t know about Portuguese sounding like French (though they have similarities), but you could definately get Spanish/Portuguese confused if you don’t speak either. I’m looking through an article on Franglais atm, lot of places in Canada (as expected), also Geneva who has an interesting blend of German and Italian known as Romansh that I can’t picture that may have Russian sounds (though not costal)? Polish and Ukranian are listed as languages for Ontario, which if my memory servers have similar sounds to Russian. Quebec apparently has 0.3% Russian speakers, as well as both Spanish and Portuguese.


Polish is very similar to Russian, Ukrainian almost identical. Canada was my first thought with French and English being interchanged.


Honestly I was also thinking Canada but I do understand some of the New Orleans things too especially if there’s a Russian community.

And are we determining all of this is going on in the same timeframe and place then?


A few more thoughts, parsing (maybe too) closely:

  • French, Russian, and Spanish are mentioned primarily, with English noted as secondary, and not mentioning other languages. At least preliminarily, unless Port missed something, we need to assume those three are the primary languages, which probably excludes, for example, Portugal or New Orleans, where she most likely would have heard someone speaking Portuguese or English first.

  • The idiomatic French is not just a dialect, but a French-English hybrid, breaking into full English. That suggests a francophone location with significant English tourism (the English-with-an-accent was giving directions), or English colonial history.

  • There does seem to be a locational difference. Russian is near a coast, while French and English-as-a-second-language is in a more populated area.

  • Spanish is tough to pin down, because so many places have immigration of large Spanish-speaking populations. Still, we would want to find a place either in Europe near near Spain, or with a large Spanish-speaking population.

So my best guess would be to look for a francophone city near a coast with a substantial Russian population, a Spanish-speaking community, and anglophone tourism. Are there coastal Canadian cities with a big Russian contingent?


With the Spanish and French I had been defaulting to either the southeast US, South America, or to the islands that were colonized by Portugal, Spain, and France at various times throughout history, since they often have pretty extensive English/Spanish/French language blending. Wikipedia shows Cuba as a place where a lot of Russians have settled, but I find that hard to reconcile with the French part of the equation. Same for Argentina (no obvious French), where about 42% of people say they can speak English, although instead of Russian they have a reasonable but small population of Ukrainian speakers.

However, I’d be willing to bet we’re looking for a more specific place, and it’s also interesting to note that most places that have a colonial French or Spanish history won’t necessarily speak the other, since both nations were fairly competitive when it came to world domination. Canada does seem to be a really good option, with it’s melting pot kind of make-up and with the French being so ubiquitous, and it might be reasonable to assume we’re not looking for a place with a ton of Spanish speakers, since Port seemed to hear mostly French, English, and Russian?


I just had a thought, and as much as I’d like it to be one nice neat place, it may be seperate locations.

Four specific locations, to be exact.

Thought process: Canada could cover that easily, with French Canadians, and there definitely being ports in Montreal when I was helping with the third assessment…
Third assessment.

We covered Paris, Moscow St. Petersburg, Mexico City, and Montreal (not necessarily in that order). That would cover French, Russian, Spanish, and the other French.


I’m definitely getting Quebec vibes as well. Used to live in Maine and the French Canadians had a habit of starting a sentence in French just end it in English.


Brilliant. Is there a possibility it was St. Petersburg instead of Moscow? That would make sense of the smell of the sea and nail down all the clues. I’m catching up on the thread, but you all may know more quickly.

If it is those four places, what does that suggest in terms of an answer for where Port should be looking?

(Edited to add a link to the post that appears to have found the answers in order: Mexico City, Paris, St. Petersburg, Montréal. But this doesn’t specify what answer we should give to @Eaves.)


You are absolutely correct! They were both on the list of possibilities, definitely easy to get them transposed after all this time.


Canada has two different kinds of French - there’s Quebec style and Acadian style. Acadian is considered “maritime” French is that might account for the sea air if we consider that Port’s sense powers might be more symbolic than specific?


Has anyone tried putting that constellation after the Book of Briars URL?


Also worth noting that I didn’t find any country with French, Russian, and Spanish as national languages.


Negative on that and the Fletcher Dawson site (which looks the same as always, as far as I can tell).


One reason I’m excited about this idea is that it goes back to the “Cosmos” section and tying up some loose ends there, which seems to be what the Book of Briars is trying to do, piece by piece. Port’s involvement could point in that direction also.

Gaaaah, and it’s worth pointing out that those cities led to a “Future Works” picture of a chronocompass, and some Roman numerals. Were those ever solved? If not, maybe the “Future Work” is now? Or perhaps I just need to finish reading the whole topic … :rofl:

(Edited to add a post from @Robert that pulls together all of the Roman numeral riddles.)

(Edited again to add a guess: The sequence 1324-1654 refers to eight words in those numbered positions in the Guide. There isn’t a version with numbered words, is there? :rofl:. That’s way more than enough out of me for tonight!)

(Edited one more time to add: CAN YOU TELL I’M EXCITED?! Okay. Fine. Time to stop.)