Balimoran Magiq

Thanks Robert! Nice to know I’m not entirely useless (occasionally) :slight_smile:
I’m gonna do some looking look into Ballymore, see if it has a magimystical history like Carrowmore, (likely, I mean after all, it’s Ireland). I’ll post anything interesting I dig up.


Whoa, did I ever find something!

“There is reference to the name (of the hill) in the story of “Deirdre of the Sorrows”, one of the best known stories of pre-Christian Ireland. Deirdre was born with a prediction that her beauty would be so great that Kings would wage wars to fight for her.”


A goofy question that I had appear in my head a couple days ago: would Balimorans “guard” secret pockets of wilderness?


I think we would, who else could be trusted with nature’s secrets? @Mr5yy


The Bestiary Arts
I think this branch covers a lot of magic. Everything from healing animals to being able to acquire traits of the creatures.
I believe there is a branch of the arts that would allow you to Borrow traits from animals. Through regular Borrowing, the change in yourself would be small, and wouldn’t last long–one-two hours approximately-- but would still benefit the magi. There are three basic “levels” of Borrowing; I’ll go into detail about levels two and three in a bit, but level one doesn’t need much more explanation so I’ll go on to something else for now.
Those who are mediocre in the art could communicate to animals through speech and the animals would understand the meaning well enough, but one skilled enough could potentially speak mind-to-mind, which would help knock down the language barrier and allow two-sided communication. Some magi may have better results with with a certain class of the animal kingdom. It is also possible to develop close relations with certain species within your class. It isn’t really up to the magi who they become closest with, it is more a matter of personality, and the heart. There are a few who are so in tune that they have this closeness with all five of the major classes. That is not me; I, like many others, have the ability to interact with all, but have a certain affiliation with one class. I find mammals to be among my closest companions, and especially those that are of the genus Canis, which includes wolves, dogs, and coyotes most notably. Eventually you’ll start to see animal-like qualities in yourself that you’ve not seen before. Some you know have been you’re whole life, you just never associated them with the People of the Wild until you developed a bond with some of them. Other properties seem to pop up as your connection grows with the Wild People.
Level two of Borrowing is a bit more complicated than level one. Almost all magi who reach this level are Balimoran, and no Non-Balimoran has ever reached level three. It requires communication with the creatures in question and understanding the way they think. After you’ve done that, you can Borrow more of their traits. The effect will be more noticeable, and might even cause slight physical changes. Duration would increase to anywhere from a single day up to three. Level three is the hardest to achieve, and can only be achieved with the animals you find yourself closest too(wolves and medium to large dogs for me). This level is almost completely different magiq, but is achieved in the same way so it is technically Borrowing, but the more accurate name is Changing. Changing is when you permanently acquire traits. Some may find themselves with thick-skinned palms and soles, like the pads of wolf. Some will have eyes that they can treat like a telescope, seeing things a mile away as if it were a foot in front of them–the eyes of an eagle. Very thin, soft scales growing upon the chest and belly may mark a snake enthusiast–does her tongue look forked to you? A few very skilled Changers can shapeshift.(I hope one day my skill will become this great) The shapeshifting is limited, though. It can last for up to two days, maybe three before causing harm to the magi. And these very skilled Bestiary mages can only shapeshift into one creature, unless I’m missing out on one very skilled Balimoran, or some mage from long past. I
Breeding magiq is a very rare skill. It is not as sought out as Borrowing, but plays a vital role in keeping the balance. Without a few Breeding magi out there doing there jobs, many critters would be without a mate this season. And it is partially because of these same magiqians that some adaptations/evolutions happen; many of the traits that magi have helped animals develop have led them to survival.
This is all I’ll type for now, the Bestiary Arts is probably my favorite branch of magiq and I have much to say on it, but I’ll limit myself to this for now.


I totally LOVE THIS.


Hey all! Based on the new blog post by Deirdre I’m had a few thoughts

Mundane magiq is all we’re are capable in this “realm”

And the mundane magiq we are capable of is planned, plotted, most likely ritualistic and probably very difficult

I’m interested in building a grimoire for us to make it easier to share knowledge

Perhaps its potions for plants and animals.

Maybe it’s weather scrying rituals

Charms for making our spaces more attractive to animals

Wards rooted in using trees and plants to protect ourselves.

Any thoughts?


Sounds cool.


Deirdre of the Sorrows? Deirdre?!


Coincidence? I think not, but I thought she was a Goshmere?


the word Fray in Fulton Fray’s Decay makes me think of the Norse Goddess Freya but the more I look at it the more I see the foully of my train of thought.

But to continue with it. she was the mother of the Norse Gods as well as known as the bringer of light love magic. Maybe it could refer to the decay of this over time and the efforts to stop it.

Then again it this could all be a conclusion of my jumping bean mind that sees connections and patterns in odd places