Audio Grimoire

A few weeks ago me and @RootNotes made a Soundcloud account called “Gossmere Audio Grimoire”, a type of book of spells related to Choreomancy and healing songs. I planned to wait for Roots to announce this but I haven’t heard from him in a few weeks so I figured I would do it now.

I will be posting songs about once a week with chords and spells purpose on this thread! Ideas or suggestions are very welcome and I would be happy to collab with anyone who would like to get involved!
I have written a theme song for us (Not a spell really, just for fun!) and it will be the first thing posted on the Soundcloud account!

Mountineers Theme Song (Rough Draft)

We hail from monarchs mountain
We drink from the knowledge fountain
We blaze trails yet unknown
(Chorus) We’re going home
We save those lost in magiq currents, we face down the enemies turrets
When you’re a Mountineer you’re not alone
Hearts usunder, we wont fall under, we have the corners to our backs, powers at the ready, our gaze and minds stay steady
(Whisper) as the enemy attacks

Its really rough but all have it all nice and polished by next week I hope!
Go follow our soundcloud:) leave any suggestions below!