About the Fragment Twelve category

It’s going to be hard to find this Fletcher Dawson guy as the contact section on his site doesn’t work. Most of my searches for him have pulled up nothing either. Who ever he is he really doesn’t want to be found. Is it possible to ask Deidre or Sumners is they know anything?

Link to his site: Landing | Fletcher Dawson


Copied from the other thread:

Just for something that could be productive (or pointless poking around), I started looking at the numbers as years and if anything possibly linked back to the clues or cities.

Nothing yet, but three of the four even years on there are leap years, and two of the animals in the picture are known for leaping, so maybe that’s a thing?


Also copying from the other thread: the roman numerals on the image correspond to
1324, 1376, 1409, 1413
1416, 1627, 1647, 1654


I don’t know if this is significant but i found a tumblr:


So great to help out on my first assessment, but I’m left wondering; why is the compass under “future works”? What significance do the animals have? I remember reading that you guys have had something similar before with the numbers (I can’t remember when it was), but why there numbers and what is their importance?

Sorry, I don’t like unanswered questions…


Yes, there’s a thread about Roman Numerals. I believe each assessment, as well as a couple of the fragments had roman numerals.

Edit: Here’s the thread

In every case they are an increasing set of numbers. Each new set of fragments, including this one, keeps that direction.

Credit: @Robert over on - SOLVED: Phase 3 Assessment: Fletcher Dawson - #547 by Robert

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I’ve got a question that I guess is mainly aimed at the people who’ve been around here for a while. (Honestly it’s probably not the most important thing right now but eh.) The catterpillow story file is labelled “The Ant and the Catterpillow BETHANY”. Has “BETHANY” come up before? (I tried searching the forums and the Basecamp main website and didn’t see it, but I easily could have missed something.)


Full Tinfoil Hat Time:

I guess my question would be: How does Fletcher Dawson know about the Book of Briars’ Assessments, specifically if the Storm has wiped out anyone who had tried to open it in the past? Also, how did he know that we, as a group, have met the third assessment, or rather, why is the third assessment housed off-site, where the other two were in the Magiq Guide?

Super crazy theory: Could Fletcher Dawson be the author of the Book of Briars? Have we been his “Future Work” all along?


I don’t know if this is repeating something that has previously happened, but maybe there’s a spell we could use on the book? Alternatively, I’m thinking maybe there’s something that if we can find and put into the URL could fix the book? Because the Aorthora page still works, so maybe there’s another that we haven’t found yet?


YES, I was really wondering that too. If I were to save a file, and use the name ‘Bethany’ in the process, I’m sure Bethany would be important in my life. Maybe Dawson had a daughter, to whom the book was written for called Bethany?


Never mind that post ^ I did the whole, misreading information thing again!


On this new set of pages or one of the earlier sets? For me, the new pages are just 5-6.pdf when I download them.

Unless this is one of those different-on-a-computer things…


I think it changes when downloaded, but if you look on the new pages on the actual website before downloading them, you should see the title with Bethany on!


Phone doesn’t let me view before downloading, guess I’ll have to check it out next time I’m behind a desk. :+1:


Does anyone think that the movement of the animals night mean something? Like there arw accent lines clearly drawn for one bird going up, another down, the stag/deer to the right and the rabbit to the left…the fox or wolf doesn’t appear to have any movement lines


Also the key…a key is meant to unlock things right? Perhaps it is a key to the writing or perhaps the animal pic or even the compass… can someone who’s tech savvy place the key on all of those and see if the holes match up to anything significant? A compass is meant to lead the way a key is meant to unlock…so maybe trying it on the compass? Might not lead to any where but what harm could it hurt?


I asked about the key in the other thread and apparently it’s supposed to unlock the book or briar. Only problem is is that the book is currently out of action


Do we know anything about how to fix the book?


What if “Bethany” to do with the place? There’s the city in the New Testement that was supposed to be the home of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. There’s a whole section on the etymology of “Bethany”. Could the numbers be references to a sections a book like it appears in this?


Did the image on the original page of http://www.fletcherdawson.com catch anyones eye? I thought it looked familiar so I did a reverse image search on it and came up with this. The first one is the site. The second one is what the search came up with. Am I the only one that thinks they look an awful lot like keys?

I followed the image back to a site and ended up here. “if this sign is carried, one will never lose one’s way in storms or bad weather, even when the way is not known”