About the Fragment Recaps category

I have a pretty strict “CJ doesn’t post on the main page” rule when it comes to the forum and I realized I couldn’t comment/commend you guys on your Fragment Recap work, so I’m moving those topics here so we can discuss without me butting into the story. Sound cool?


Hey @CJB, will these eventually get moved to the main page on the forum? These are so awesome, and I try to direct people here when they start but it can get a little difficult trying to say “look for the secret ‘CJ Bernstein’ category” haha :wink:


Ha! Eventually these will be turned into videos (probably after Phase 2 ends) and will be shared with new players but until then perhaps you can private message them so as not to break the fourth wall on the main forum? Thanks @Brendon!


Perfect, that’s what I have been doing so I can keep doing that. I figured that was the case, but wasn’t sure.