A Message from Saberlane's Husband

(Received via email today.)

Hi Mounties. We’ve never really spoken, though I’ve met one or two of you in person over the years.

I just wanted to check in. Tonight’s the first night of Passover, which is the first holiday my family is celebrating without “Saberlane.” It’s been rough, to say the least. I’m pretty pragmatic, and Carey was pretty frank with me regarding what would happen, but it doesn’t make it easier.

We’ll be talking a lot about firstborn sons tonight, being Jews and all, and Carey and I were both first sons. Though he never had a real father, he and my dad had an immediate, powerful bond. My dad thought of Carey as his own. We’ll be missing both of them tonight.

Saberlane was my husband, father to our children, my best friend, and David Bernstein’s son. And I know he was your friend. Your Ebenguard. I miss him, and I know you do, too.

I just wanted you all to know that we’re thinking of you during all of this, everything happening in the world right now—a lot of uncertainty. We’ll make it through.

No one believed in the Mountaineers like Saberlane.
I’m here if you need me.


Chag Pesach kasher vesame’ach.
We’re here if YOU need US. Always.


It’s going to be a hard Passover for a lot of people this year, so you’re not alone in your grief. If you need anything, please let us know, we’ll be here to help. No matter what.


Gut yontiff to you and yours. May you have an easy and kosher (if your adhering to the restrictions ) holiday.

We’re all here for you as well. All for one and one for all ya know?


chag same’ach to you and yours. I’m sorry it will be so rough, but we’re here for you if you need us.


My condolences friend. I hope you manage to remember the happy times, and not to let the grief steal those memories from you.