5. The Search for Magiq: "Elemental Disruption"

Popping in for the Thought rune home-stretch (and hopefully reminding me to do some reading later):


…anyone else anxiously stalking this thread right now? :eyes:


ive got my wild rune sketch done, though i dont think i like how it turned out.
ready to go when we are.


This was the hardest week. The Silver seem to be always right behind us, or we hear that they were just ahead of us when we arrive to a new village, but there’s no doubt that some strange providence is protecting us from them, and that’s you.

We’d been on the boat we bought for two nights when a few of us smelled smoke in the middle of the night. The engine was burning and it only took a few minutes to spread to the rest of the trawler. We had to put those who couldn’t swim in the handful of life rafts we had and the rest had to brave the dark water. We lost what little we we were carrying, but we’re all accounted for. We’ll have to go the rest of the way without supplies, changes of clothing, or cash, but we’re not quitting. We don’t have a choice. Please keep us in your thoughts.


Oh no! You guys stay safe, and we’ll put extra hope for good fortune on the runes this week. Wilds willing, you can live off the land at least.

The rune is on my phone as always, and I am ready to get this power out there in force. Most of my planned spots are okay for photography, so expect lots of updates gang!


I’ve got the rune on my phone as well, and I’m sure I’m not the only one carrying it in some capacity at all times. I have a place in mind to place the rune later this week as well.

Hopefully the Wilds will help you live off the land, as @BairnSidhe suggested. Let’s keep it up, gang. Three more runes, three more weeks. <3


@Eaves, thank you for the update. I know losing everything can be devastating and really hurt morale - but think of how far you have come, how many lives you are protecting and being strong for. You are all amazing, and you can do this.

We will do our best to help. I’ve put my Bali wilds symbol in the wildest place in my office: my spider plant.


I’ve been keeping up with my symbol carrying over the last couple of weeks. Just updated to the Wilds yesterday :slight_smile:
Hopefully every little helps you guys out :crossed_fingers:


I went to my university’s botanical gardems the other day and did some sketches! Didn’t leave any post its tho, didnt want to make anyone’s job harder


The symbol has gone on my Basil seedlings and on my hand. I also put it at the local park, but there were kids around and their parents were already side eyeing the random childless 30 year old playing with sidewalk chalk without me obviously taking photos, and I didn’t want to have a concerned citizen asking what I was doing there.


I’d like to just state for the record that while I normally love my reputation as the neighborhood witch, it gets in the way of certain activities.

Also, it’d be nice to pass out candy at Halloween to more than just the kids who got dared to ring my doorbell.


Geometric circles are hard on leaves…

I’ll scatter them on my way back to work. We’re expecting winds tonight. That should help with confounding the Silver!


Was going to draw a big one in a leafs with all the fall colors but… leafs are not the most kind of mediums…

So I had to just settle for one lesf this time. So I found one that I thought was the best color and went for it.


Back at the nuke plant response office - just for a drill, I promise. Maybe not in the wilds outdoors, but things do get pretty wild in here.


Been wearing the rune on my upper thigh cause I needed it out of sight for a couple events. Haven’t gotten to the cemetary yet, but hopefully today or tomorrow :slight_smile:


Placed between reminders of life and a memento mori.


Been carrying the sigil in my wallet all week. I was hoping to have more opportunities for wilderness expeditions, but getting ready to move states takes a lot more time than I remembered. :sweat_smile:


Working hard, hardly workin’. My sigil is helping, i hope


Last one left, where should it go?


I see your House of Change and raise you the butterfly garden outside of the Butterfly Rainforest (because it was closed for the night [spoiler]and costs money even when the museum it’s attached to is free[/spoiler]).

Shortly after taking this picture, it was plastered down by a stray shower that followed me home.