5. The Search for Magiq: "Elemental Disruption"

I didn’t make it to the cemetary this week, but my back yard neighbors have the prettiest autumn tree I’ve ever seen. My whole life I’ve watched it turn with the seasons. It’s not my tree, but I drew the sigil on a rock in my yard directly across from that tree. :slight_smile:


The wilds of… the drive thru? I have been slacking this week, and I feel guilty.


I don’t know what we’d do without you all.

We’ve wasted a week wandering, begging when we felt like we had breathing room away from the Silver, and trying to figure out how to cross the Atlantic with no money, nothing to barter, and no one left to call on for an impossible favor.

Then we found a pilot in a bar in the middle of nowhere bar. A pilot with an old cargo plane that he pieced back together himself. A pilot who says he was contracted at the last minute by a group of “environmentalists” who got caught up looking for a bunch of nomadic guerrillas in the jungle and got lost and didn’t show up to the runway when it was time to go. They radioed him that they needed more time, but he couldn’t wait because he’s not exactly licensed. He said he was finishing his drink and heading out, with their money. And that’s when we met.

I think the Silver hired him. I think they booked our plane out of here. And I think that the only reason they missed their flight was because you confused the hell out of them. We’re almost home, Mountaineers. Spirits are high here. Like 40,000 feet high.

The herald took me aside on the flight. She wanted to tell me what she saw months ago, because what she saw is beginning to come to pass. Though her body’s weak, her mind is as strong as ever. She said events are about to begin that will finally close The Book of Kings once and for all. She said there are others out there, unaware of what they’re connected to, but they’re already taking actions that will not only help bring about the next age, but will actually help bring about the “binding” of the book we created and you all saved. @Saberlane, I think she means the actual print version of The Book of Briars.

She believes the book will be the chronicle of how the new age will finally come to be. And she believes that the book is the manifestation of the spell you all created during The Monarch Papers.

I don’t know what it all means, but we’re all reaching the end of a road, and because of you beautiful Mountaineers, we may actually survive the journey.


Just when I thought the publishing world of Ackerly Green couldn’t get any weirder. I’m so happy you’re on your way to safety, @Eaves. We’ve got your back. Keep you and yours safe and we’ll do everything we can to help get you home.


Way to yoink their ride out of there! Fingers crossed (and our Exploration sigils this week) that the skies are friendly, or at least provide safe landing. :eaveshug:


Guys, let’s keept this going! (Yay, less circles this week)


I’ll be leaving one on the bus this morning for sure.


Nomadic “guerrillas”? :laughing: I guess that is a pretty good description of the Sanctuary right now. I would love to see that Frankenstein cargo plane, though!

I don’t know if you’ll see this soon after you land, and I’m glad you got a reprieve, but please stay alert. For all we’ve been able to confuse the Silver, they’ve got a lot of resources, and even that group in the jungle won’t stay stranded for long, I’m sure. Stay safe. Be well. We’ll keep pinging their radar in weird places.


I’m glad you’re okay @Eaves, and that we were able to buy you time to escape.

On a slightly (possibly) unrelated note, I try to meditate on something every night, and last night, being stumped for what to use as my focus, decided to meditate on the sigils I’d drawn (all of them, not just the Wild ones) and the purpose of magiq and that sort of thing. It was a good focus for me, provided plenty of musings and helped unwind my brain enough for sleep, but it um… backfired?

Because this morning I have the beginnings of a fall cold and my basil (a place I put the Wild symbol) is wilted. It was fine last night and now it’s kaput. I choose to blame the Silver for targeting the symbol and therefore wilting my baby basil plants.


Wow, stealing the Silver’s plane is a side effect I did not see coming. Fantastic! Let’s keep up the momentum :slight_smile:


Got mine up with me. will be dropped near a dock or forest soon.


This one goes out today:

And this one goes in my pocket for the week:

Little late for the Wilds, but I swear the Silver is attacking me this week. I’ve been barely able to post or even get online. So now I’m fighting back a bit harder than I was before.


Just visible on the very worn soles of my walking boots.
Monochrome because my camera isn’t playing nicely, off to see the starlings and to dream of flying.


Just got back from work where I marked the Exploration sigil. Going to be wearing it for the rest of the week to make a bigger distraction!


Never been much of an explorer but had a lecture in a building I’ve never been in before (and didn’t even know existed) today and I think that counts :sweat_smile:

Please forgive my awful speed scrawl about telomeres :grimacing::joy:


I’m running a pandemic exercise for my long-term health care facilities. They get to explore what would happen in the event of a very nasty outbreak. Seemed like a good time to break out the sigil.


On the road from Wisconsin to Texas - get bent, Silver!


What’s better for drawing light than glitter?


Up on our windowsill, catching all the light it can.


Made it to Texas! The sigil was promptly attacked by a giant squid.