3.5. The Search for Magiq: Casting The Cataclysm

Yeah I just looked at my place in the queue, and looked at a calendar. I’m definitely doing mine in the morning as I have a bridal lunch/shower to get to around noon.


I don’t think we’ve totally decided when we’re starting yet, but I’m sure we can make it work if that’s when you need to post or if anyone else has a conflict!


I’m still concerned that the veil might actually be to protect us, but I’ll sign up as a back up caster.
Having not cast before, I’d rather more experienced people cast something potentially so important to us.


Friend, being new to this is the exact RIGHT time to step in. Newbies provide a new, fresh set of eyes to the problems we seem to be far too accustomed to dealing with at this point OUR WAY. New, fresh insight will help us catch things we otherwise might not have noticed, yaknow? Same goes for spellcasting, when you cast this, maybe you might get a glimpse of something we might deem totally and wholly unnecessary to mention, but to you might be the key to blow this thing wide open! :0


Being where I am only just coming into everything I was thinking just this, which is exactly why I’m stepping up to be a part of this casting. This veil is too total to not have a purpose, and whether that’s to keep us in or something out is irrelevant, because at the end of the day, we won’t have answers until we’ve made our way out of this box. Once we get out of this regardless of the reasons why, we’ll have something that we need to face, and we’ll do it together Through the power of friendship! ;p

Besides, what’s the worst that could happen? Famous last words


CJ and Thorn are totally right here. As someone who’s been part of a spell before while not totally sure what was even going on, I can tell you the intent matters much more than anything else. You won’t mess it up, and if you sign up now you’ll have lots of examples before you to draw from!

If you’re still really hesitant about joining it’s absolutely your call, and we’ll all respect it, especially if you’re still concerned about the purpose of the veil. In our general experience, anything that wants to cut us off from our friends and allies is not playing nicely, but I can understand how it might seem otherwise.

But if you think you have a good item to contribute, and you want to help with the spell, don’t let inexperience stop you. Heck, most of the time we don’t really know what we’re doing - we’re just feeling our way through the weird magimystic waters a step at a time. The old-school Mounties are just deep in and drenched already, so we don’t notice how crazy we seem. :joy: And if you have other questions about the spell, feel free to ask here, or message a leader.

Edit: This goes for anyone else who’s new around here, by the by. If you’ve got something you can contribute, you’re qualified.


I’ve got you on the backup list, but if you wanna switch over…:eyes: let me know


@Sapphire anyone of any level of experience can cast! New Mounties will be even better then the older Mounties as you’re fresh and less worn down then us old’uns! :deirdrexd: I’m more then happy to let you take my place! :cjsmile:


If you still need another person or a pinch hitter, I’m available! I’ve got several items in mind and I can dig through and narrow it down later today.


You’re on the list, @Cirydae! (Tinker, I hope that’s okay. I got overexcited.)


We do still need 2 members on the front line, and perhaps a few more backups if anyone has been holding back and wants in :eyes:


I feel like someone needs to give a rousing speech.


I attempted one before, but it ended up more like
“Let’s do our best, but keep in mind that we’ll probably die.”
I don’t think I should repeat that mistake a second time :sweat_smile:




I’ve been away from the forum for a bit and spent the day getting caught up, reflecting on the weight of this spell. I’m grateful for what @Sapphire mentioned because I was a feeling a similar apprehension. When I came on board almost two months ago I couldn’t wait for the opportunity to bring magiq back to the world. I am grateful for all the preceding supportive comments because it helped me remember it is deeply important to me, to us.

With that being said, I have an object and would like to contribute to the casting if still available. :raised_hands: :sparkles:


It’s less that we need a call to action and more that we just need to do it imo. To borrow everyone’s favorite Plato allegory, we escaped the cave for just long enough to see a glimpse of the setting sun before they dragged us back in and now if we want to get out and see more we have to break our chains and run as far as we can out into the truth. Is there a possibility that something could happen, getting cut by the chains or even worse as we run past the guards at the entrance? Yeah, but as long as we stay in the cave we’ll crave that expanse, that possibility, and so at the very least we have to try and do something.

Experimentation, Integrity and Curiosity guide us, and in my mind it would be a betrayal to shy away on all that now just because of some risk, and so as we’re questioning all of this we should embrace these virtues, look at the big picture and just chill (Listen to what I say and not what I do, I’m crazy nervous still).

In conclusion this wasn’t meant to be a speech but I’m just going to roll with it and act like it was my intent the whole time. I’m only ironically contradicting the original point of this post. :wink:


Are we ready to start?

So if I have this right, each volunteer binds an object they believe holds magimystic energy by telling us about it/its history and then speaking the recitation above, once a day, until we have eighteen bound objects?


Sounds right, then you’ll do the final recitation to execute the spell?


Sounds good to me!

@Tinker, I’m gonna add myself to the backup list - still trying to track down the object I’m thinking of. (I moved to the east coast three years ago and still don’t know if things I own are with me or my parents. :woman_facepalming:) I think we have enough to start for now, and if no one else signs up for the last spot, either @Sapphire or I can take it. Sound like a plan, everyone?


Sounds good to me! So…take it away @Augustus_Octavian?