2. The Search For Magiq: The Neithercouriers

I would say sure. Cant hurt. Maybe they know what it means.


Okay, letter update:

To the Searchers,

Since we last spoke, we reached out to the Cagliostro and Martin Rank. The Cagliostro is protected by her own magiq and we assumed she didn’t receive our message, and we’ve just received a response from Martin. It turns out that she did receive our message and was able to convey some information about our situation. She sent him a dream about artifacts in the walls of her old apartment. Dream-Martin found a clock in the walls that led him to Grand Central Station and an emissary of the Cagliostro. From them, we’ve learned that the “veil” is a wall sectioning off part of the world. A wall with a closed door, and it’s the door that’s deciding what can and can’t get through the wall. She believes that if we can illuminate the door, she can find us and do…something. Can you tell us anything about shining a light that would illuminate this door? Or any other artifacts that maybe she was hinting at?

We also got some news from Martin about some people he was keeping tabs on – Alison, Port, and Jeremy. They’ve left the place they were staying, and we were wondering if they’d found their way to you? One of them left drawings of mountains and castles and the message “Search for Magiq”. If they aren’t with you, can you see where they went?


The Mountaineers

I can get this all letter-formatted as soon as I get some consensus that the contents are good…I want to be sure we’ve got all the info/questions we need since who knows how many more times we can do this


The only thing I might change is about Lauren getting the letter. It sounded like :crown: :bear: and company got her attention, but my letter came back return to sender.


Okay…fixed that. Anyone else? I can get this ready to go tonight, if we want!


I don’t see anything else we might want to add…, I’d say do it.


Okay, letter’s all ready to go…I guess we just need a new encanterance, right? Dusting off my poetry hat, which hasn’t seen the light of day since high school…anyone got rhymes to chip in?

Edit: How about -
Once more a courier we hail,
to bring our message across the veil


go for it.


Well, I’m taking 2 votes as a majority (mostly because leaving this hanging was going to keep me up All Night)…and I figure all the pertinent questions and information got into the letter by that last version. So I wrote it up and put it in an addressed envelope (neither my stationery nor my handwriting is as nice as @Revenir’s so photo not included :joy:). I said the above encanterance and waited…and waited a little more. Eventually I heard a bell ringing somewhere in the house…not like, in a distinguishable location. But somewhere. I’ve stuck around at my desk for a hot second now, but no sign of a courier of any sort. I figure they won’t show up without me being…conscious? But just in case I’ve stacked some potential payments under the letter. I tried to run all possible variations of “emotionally significant” including a pad of engineering paper (very important to my life), some calligraphy brushes, a handful of tickets for the Paris metro, and coins of assorted nationality. Who knows if anything among there is an acceptable payment but that’s what tired-brain came up with.

I assume that the bell toll means the spell worked…but I’m a little stumped at the delay in courier appearance. Maybe they’re being extra-cautious now (I don’t blame them)…or they’ve got a curfew…or it’s harder for them to get through? I hope we get enough answers in this next letter because the pessimist in me is saying the next time we try to use magiq the supply’s gonna come up nearly dry…

Edit: Nearly forgot to attach the final letter here for posterity:

To the Searchers,

Since we last spoke, we reached out to the Cagliostro and Martin Rank. It turns out she’s is protected by her own magiq, but we’ve just received a response from Martin. While the Cagliostro didn’t receive our message exactly, she figured out that someone was trying to communicate and she was able to convey some information about our situation through Martin. She sent him a dream about artifacts in the walls of her old apartment. Dream-Martin found a clock in the walls that led him to Grand Central Station and an emissary of the Cagliostro. From them, we’ve learned that the “veil” is a wall sectioning off part of the world (the us-part it seems). A wall with a closed door, and it’s the door that’s deciding what can and can’t get through the wall. She believes that if we can illuminate the door, she can find us and do…something. Can you tell us anything about shining a light that would illuminate this door? Or any other artifacts that maybe she was hinting at?

We also got some news from Martin about some people he was keeping tabs on – Alison, Port, and Jeremy. They’ve left the place they were staying, and we were wondering if they’d found their way to you? One of them left drawings of mountains and castles and the message “Search for Magiq”. If they aren’t with you, can you see where they went?


The Mountaineers


This is…strange and deeply concerning. Do you still have the letter or is it gone?

The last time we had a failure to send, the bell didn’t chime at all and it was because we tried to reuse an encanterance. But it’s a new encanterance, message is handwritten, so…

Maybe try it again and fingers crossed it’s just because they don’t do late night deliveries?


Okay…well…I didn’t really get a reason why they were delayed, but my courier(s) did arrive. I was getting ready to head to my office this morning, and I heard thumps coming from outside my house. Now, we’ve had many a weird visitor here, and also a broken storm door, so I wasn’t thinking much of it…until I opened the door and there was a beautiful blue hot air balloon just sort of bouncing around the roof above my door. In the little basket were a group of tiny (but very posh) mice. And I do mean quite posh. Little jewel-tone velvet vests, some gold detail, and I swear I saw a teeny monocle. I wasn’t tall enough to reach up to them, but they dropped down a line with a clip. So I clipped in my letter and made a little package of the payment I had planned - calligraphy brush, metro tickets, and a couple coins folded into a little envelope of engineering paper. They didn’t ever come inside, so I’m hoping the payment was okay…


Can we adopt Neithercouriers or no?


I would adopt one in a heartbeat if I didn’t think they would slowly burn my house down in the process.


Do it! What’s a little light arson between friends and family?


That’s an incredibly Weatherwatch response at the thought of arson.


On the matter of adopting them though… :crown: :bear: come back!
I wonder if familiars are just as cute as the couriers in Neithernor :thinking:


Trouble certainly is! Not a mouse with a fancy fest and a monocle, but I bet next time I’m in Neithernor we could train him to use the monocle.


Airbnb but only for sweet lil neithercouriers


I mean…Marty seems to have kept the sloth, so…maybe this really is a thing?

Edit: Or maybe the sloth kept him? 'Tis yet another mystery.


“Dear Marty,
What do Nethercouriers eat?
Any reply is appreciated.
every Mountie ever”


My vote is that the sloth kept Marty.