2. The Search For Magiq: The Neithercouriers

It sounds like port has gone in search of the sanctuary?


I’m also wondering if the Kemetic Trio packed up and went to the sanctuary. If it’s a church, that’s kind of a sanctuary-type place, and it’d make sense for it to be in the mountains. I suppose the other option would be they went to Monarch’s Mountain.

I think we need to contact the Searchers for sure, before time runs out. We need to tell them what Marty told us and ask them if they have some kind of illuminating spell we can use. Because if they don’t have anything for us, then we’ll have to make our own. I think it’s most definitely important to ask about the Kemetic Trio and see if any of them made their way to the sanctuary as well.


Well, that sounds like spider protocol is in order… :fire:

And now I have Creepy Doll stuck in my head, which would not help anything. :cagsko:


Light is the element associated with Weatherwatch.(please correct me if that’s wrong) They have a magical affinity as Torchminders.
We’ve been advised to avoid using magic.
As a thought to minimise the magiqal input, but increase the output, could we get all weatherwatchers to use torchminder skills to cast a really bright flare?
Would need coordinating with Marty and Lauren.
Trying to message Lauren got her attention to feel the veil, if we message her and flare at the same time…


But do we want to send any more messengers into that magiqal electric fence? Would any even be willing to take a letter there after what happened to :crown: :bear: and his buddies?


At the very least she knows about the wall now, and the fact we’re trying to reach out. It’s possible she’s on alert for more messages and could put down her defenses. It might still not be worth the risk, but it’s cause for consideration.


Warn Lauren in advance through Marty?
Actually if we use Marty to coordinate with Lauren

  • we don’t zap any cute critters,
  • Marty is involved and gets a psychological boost from knowing we still need and haven’t abandoned him
  • Lauren doesn’t need to lower or suffer attack to her defenses

Yeah, I think that the mind link they seem to still have is a safer way to contact Lauren than trying directly, at least until her transformation is complete :insert wiggling magiq fingers here: :cjmagiq:


TBH, I think the Searchers are our next port of call. We need to tell them about the door, ask if they have any spell that might help, and ask about our friends and their Search. If they don’t have anything for us (or we get impatient) maybe it is time for the poking to start? I mean, probably not as good as using light to find the door, but it might have a similar affect?


A talking creepy doll!?! :scream: Nope. All the nope in the world.

I think despite the need to be sparing with the magiq this is a situation where it’s needed.I agree alerting the Searchers is a good idea. We can let them know we’ve made contact with someone on the other side of the “wall”, tell them about the door, and ask if they have any spells we could use to make our side glow like Galadriel.


I agree telling the searchers we need a light is wise also. While we shine and Lauren is smacking the patards out of whatever is watching the door it might give the herald enough distraction to get a good look at whomever is doing this.

Also i wonder if Portencia is the missing girl with the searchers.


A mountain with a church up top… That sounds so Neithernorian and beautiful, I hope we all get to see it someday.

I agree we should tell the searchers we need a light, maybe there’s a spell they’ll know of that we can cast without using too much magiq?


Is anyone available to send a message today or tomorrow? I feel like we should send something as soon as possible. :brandonthinking:


And let’s just gloss over the fact that Martin had a giant sloth sleeping in his living room.


I could send one tomorrow if we really need someone, but I kinda don’t want to think of consquences of summon a Neithercourier into my flat just before I move out… Plus, someone else should feel the Neithercourier love, lol


The abnormal has now become normal for us Sabes :laughing:


Yesss someone new come in for some penpal love. :deirdreexcited:


At least it sounds like it’s friendly???


I would be down to send the message


Given the size of most NYC apartments I’m amazed the big dude fit in there!