2. The Search For Magiq: The Neithercouriers

On the other hand, we don’t know the situation on the other side of the veil aside from this group. Maybe they still have contact with the others that we can’t reach. And if not, I’m not sure if it would help yet to reach out to them.

I’d personally not recommend using any Magiq on messages to allies other than our current contacts unless we have a really concrete idea of how it would help. We’re sending the messages we’re sending now because we need information (and hopefully help getting rid of this veil situation, and if we succeed in that, we won’t need to deal with the Neithercouriers and their somewhat-nervewracking tendencies or deplete more Magiq).


So, what’s our next course of action?

Our allies are currently cut off, but these strange “Neithercouriers” have begun popping up around us. Could we use them to get in touch with Endri, Ascender, or Knatz? If letters back to the original sender isn’t working who can we reach out to?

I’m with Viv. We need to stop using magiq as much as possible, it’s a dying power.


I mean, Nim only sent our last message on Wednesday, so I’d give them a little more time to respond before assuming something’s gone wrong. If it’s been another day or two without hearing anything, I think then we can discuss trying to reach out to others who might know something.


I agree with this, but I am also wondering if we can recruit this group to find our friends? We have Marty’s email address, at least. In our next message, we could ask them if they could pass on a message to him saying we’re not gone and don’t give up hope. We don’t know if they’re also affected by the veil in some ways…but it’s a possibility.

I don’t think we should mess with contacting other people at this point in time. I don’t want to risk losing this method of communication, or of using up the magiq to contact our friends when we don’t know if it will work. But as part of a larger message - it’s something to bring up.


If the couriers can pierce the veil they can get us back in touch with those we can’t reach. That’s a great idea!!


Oph. Looks like I’m behind.


Guys, we have our reply!

So an old friend came to visit me today, and after she left I heard this knocking. I thought she’s left something in my flat, but when I turned I saw it was my shadow knocking on the wall. Yes, my shadow?! As soon as she had my attention she started writing on the wall. Had to scramble quickly on my (very messy) desk for a pen and paper, and then found the words were mirrored. Normally good with mirror writing but had to grab a my makeup bag at one point cause she was going too fast and I didn’t want to loose the message.

Here in our sanctuary, we protect all who search for magiq, including a handful of searchers who are sensitive to magimystic currents. It may seem like a distinction not worth making, but from what they can tell, you are not barred from the magimystical world, the world is barred from you .

But you grow in ranks every day. How is that possible? We believe an entity is determining who is and isn’t allowed to find you, but we don’t know what it is, why it’s standing between you and the world, or how it makes its determination. To stay protected, we don’t often reach out to others, allowing instead, for those of pure intent and purpose to find us. But when we have reached out to certain entities in recent days, we were able to make contact. It seems the veil obscures you alone. And from what we can tell, it took an immense amount of magimystic energy to draw the leaden veil over you. Have you tried to interact with someone blinded from you in person? We will keep looking for what is causing this while you continue to find the edges of the veil.

I was once like you, climbing unseen mountains in the search for truth. And in my searching, I found a place we call sanctuary, and among the people here, the herald. The sanctuary’s purpose is to protect those who search for magiq, and the herald’s mission is to help bring about the new age. She wants to create a brighter age than the last.

We don’t know about previous heralds. She was born knowing she was different. That the title of herald had been granted to her by some unknown force, she felt called to a purpose no one could understand, and many, including her own family, rejected her for it. But that was a long time ago. She is old now, but wise and still driven.

I can only speak for myself, but there are times when you have to leave an old life behind to find your purpose, even abandoning those you love. Many here in the sanctuary have done the same. I was searching for so long for a place where I belonged. And then I found the sanctuary. There is no leader to blindly follow here. No cultish doctrine to obey or arbitrary rules to abide. Only the mandate to help those who search for magiq and to protect them as long as they are on their search. The herald found her way here like the rest of us, and when she could still look into the dark of the dawning age, she saw the potential of the new era. And the war that will someday be waged over it.

An aliquary is a powerful object and may prove useful down the line, but unfortunately, it isn’t powerful enough to bring magic back to our world. Please be careful who you tell about the aliquary. Like all powerful objects, they are much sought after.

And be mindful of the magiq you use. Even the couriers are behaving erratically. It took us days to deliver this response. It seems we are beginning the end of the old age.

Think I got it all, but after I finished writing the last part it was gone, so I can’t really check.


And be mindful of the magiq you use. Even the couriers are behaving erratically. It took us days to deliver this response. It seems we are beginning the end of the old age.

So it sounds like we have limited replies to these people…if we want to try again, I think we’ve really got to make the next attempt count. We could ask if they can reach out to our friends and let them know we’re still here…but if it’ll take magiq for them to do that, it might not be possible.


You’re probably right about that last part. I wonder what’s causing all of this interference?


This is concerning. I wonder if this is why it seems that magiq is depleting faster than we would expect? Anyone have any ideas to start finding the “edges of the veil”? Perhaps if we can find an edge we can lift it or at least find another clue…


This line interests me. I don’t think I would’ve remembered had I not just read it one hour ago, but this is almost the exact same phrasing used in the Safeguard instructional file used on the website. Do we think whatever world this is might have put the original Hearth and Home Protectory in effect, but on a much, much larger scale? and if so, what might be the first few steps in dealing with it?


This line called out to me. Who could we track down and try to speak to?


My thoughts too!

@Saberlane have you had any more luck contacting @Marty.60, @CRSumner, or @DeirdreGreen? Maybe non electronic methods of communtication might do better? We definately need to test if we can communicate to them in person.

Edit: I wonder, could we use someone with no knowledge of magiq as a courier? Like, could we give a physical letter to someone, and ask them to get it to our friends? I don’t mean the postal service either, too many oppertunites for it to be “lost in transit”. Just a thought.


That’s an interesting idea. Has me wondering how we are marked? Whatever the leaden veil is, how does it know who is a mountie and who isn’t?


It’s worth a shot. Is there a distinction between being blinded to magiq and being “blinded from us” though?


It seems, atleast to me, that there is a small distinction between the two. Both could involve this “veil”. Being “blinded to magiq” could mean that they are unable to use magiq almost completely. I say this because they did manage to get the message through so they aren’t completely blind to magiq. On another note, we now know that the veil “covers” us, not letting them see who we are, how we work, etc. So whatever this veil is, it has properties that either nullify or repel magiq. So ineffect, it creates a shield in which only us can easily penetrate.


Wow. This is…a lot to unpack.

We only really know of one person’s actual location, right? That would be @Marty.60. Anyone else…well, we can’t really ask them where they are. But Marty is in New York unless he’s traveling, so… @Saberlane do you think you could try to find him? Ok, that sounds kind of weird but like, you did help get his book out into the world. A publisher popping up in person sounds less weird somehow.

It’s good to know that it’s only us. Makes it clearer that this is something strategic. But it means that they totally could contact our friends.

Also, looks like it’s not yet time to put that aliquary to good use…but I’m sure it’ll come in handy. At the very least, maybe it could help us power some magiq if we get desperate. :eavessweat:

Gah, this is so frustrating though! I can’t believe we’re locked out by what seems to be the Storm’s evil cousin, the Smog. :laurenangry:


Aw, hex. This is way more complicated than I was hoping it would be.

Agree with what Rev said, for sure. Sabes, do you have a physical address for Marty that would give you a chance at finding him? Never thought the online nature of the Forum would be more of a curse than a blessing (not that I don’t want to meet y’all at some point, but being so separated during the threat of the Storm worked in our favor, and now all that distance seems to be working against us.)

Also, this is maybe a super weird question, and likely not something we can do much about, but…what about Alison, Port, and Aether? They were all living together when Marty last checked in, right? Alison was super involved in the Forum during the early days, before the whole mess at Kemetic, so I wonder whether or not she counts as a Mountaineer by the standards of whatever’s doing this? If the veil obscures us alone, who counts as part of “us”? Just people who were active at the time the veil was activated? Are there other things we could try to test its boundaries, figure out where we can “slip under” it, so to speak?


The requirements do seem a bit strange. I mean Ascender and co were the OG Mounties, same with Knatz. And Alison was such a Mountie her nickname at kemetic was Climber. There’s gotta be more to it, unless there’s someone manually pulling the strings to an extent?

@AlisonB - I don’t think we tried her, did we? Though I’m not holding out much hope.


I’m not in the office right now, but I know I have Martin’s address on the royalty agreement for The Monarch Papers.

I’ll follow up tomorrow morning