17. The Secret Society: Buzzed

These phrases seem eerily familiar to me outside of the events of the past months. I don’t know why.


it sounds like a poem. Ive heard something like this before. Dont remember where for the life of me, though…


It reminds me of time-lost Sullivan’s journal entries we got with each Fragment.


Yes, exactly.


I’m apparently not paying enough attention, and did not realize that the clues were rhyming.

But I definitely see how it could go with the “cold and silver swirling sea,” etc.


He finally woke me up last night.

I was camping in the office, and Woolie showed up around midnight, about an hour after I scared the hell out of the cleaning people.

He was in terrible shape, flickering and faded. Distraught.
What follows is what I pieced together from what I could hear and understand.

“The light that drew me here is almost gone, and I feel myself breaking apart, turning to ash like embers on the wind. I was something real, but now I am vanishing. Held together with a light that wanes by the moment.

I knock and knock to try and get back to what I lost. Who I left behind. But my hands pass through the doors like mist. I can’t return to her.

Molly. My own Molly. The first of my guild who welcomed me. The girl who lived across the world, who I never would’ve laid eyes on had I not found Neithernor. The warmth of her hands. The light in her eyes. A light that both blinded me and made me whole. I never deserved her, but I feel as if I have somehow betrayed her, though I don’t know how, not by following through the open door, to the light of this place. No, it was before we were all made of mist. I broke her heart. The pieces here, still in my hands, but I don’t know how it happened. I don’t know much of anything anymore. All the warmth is fading from your world. Perhaps I belong here, having wronged the ones I love, though how escapes my mind.

I will end here, in ash, undeserving of a way back home to her, and unknowing why.”

Then he knelt in the corner of the office and wept in silence. It was heartbreaking.

I sat beside him. I couldn’t touch him to console him, and he either couldn’t hear me or didn’t want to. I don’t know when, but I fell asleep there with him, and it wasn’t until the sun rose that I noticed he was gone and fragments of phrases had appeared on the walls. Written in what I think is ash.

After a couple hours of toying with them, Catherine and I think this is the order they go:

As the hunter’s moon ascends, find a feast for all the senses
Seek a long-abandoned sun that’s now rotting behind fences
Find a monument to travel and a way to let in light
And a view upon a hilltop that once was used for flight
Feel the wind over the water, where bodies lie below
Then find the lonely, wayward stone where prairie grasses grow.


Is Woolie… Is Woolie gone? Oh my… :cry:

Seems we have something else to solve to take our minds off it. Or maybe it’s not too late? Urg, I hope it isn’t. Question is, are we still looking for places? If so, do we need people to go there?

First thing that strikes me is the “hunter’s moon”. That’s October for northern hemisphere, and April or May for southern hemisphere. Bit of a way off. And how can a stone be “wayward”?

Yay, all the questions!


Mmm. A stone could be wayward if it were pushed somewhere, like by a glacier. Or perhaps moved, like a monument or henge.

Those verses do sound like things to go find.

Is there a reason to assume the order of those verses matter @Saberlane?

Edit. Well theres this in Indiana.



That’s just the order that I posted. I imagine the rhyming couplets could be switched around, that was just our best stab. My gut is that they could be solved in any order.


And…now i notice they rhyme. Good to see poetry still isnt my strength.

6 possible locations. 6 guilds? I see some allusions to guilds. Travel, hunters. I dont think it will pan out but it would be kinda neat if these 6 spots ended up as places for a warding hex.


I see a Mountie near there! @Tinker, is it close enough for you to take a look?


That’s an event in the town where my uni is…but the event doesn’t happen until October. I think the park where it happens would be feasible for me to get to…it’s not a long drive from where I am…but I don’t think I’ll be able to get out there until the weekend

In the meantime, do we expect that the other lines are other clues? Could we get a jump start on finding people for those?


Well the hill used for flight might be the Kill Devil Hills outside of Kitty Hawk where the Wright Brothers first flew.


:tinfoilhat: Underwater graveyards :tinfoilhat:

The only actual graveyard that’s underwater (US, anyway) is all the way down in the Keys (decidedly not close for our FL Mounties unless someone’s planning a vacation in the immediate future).

But I did some digging, and it looks like there’s been at least some plotting (pun not intended) for one off the coast of Australia. Oddly enough, not too far from Sky.

Or, there’s all the myriad places with sunken ships, planes, etc.

There’s also an entire sunken village in Wales, but it’s nowhere near Nim.


A long Abonded sun now rotting behind fences.

Mexico City? La Posada de Sol. An abandonded hotel recently rediscovered and apparently very well guarded from the inevitable urban explorers.

Probably not but its a fun read and beautiful pictures.


Edit, we should turn this into something for Woolie. We will have six locations . We know the warding hex. Maybe we can protect him. Or failing that try to get a message to Molly.

I hate to see a sacrifice in vain. It doesn’t have to be super elaborate. Just a lot if heart. So even if a location isnt near you, you can help build this hex.

Maybe this will be the last warding hex ever. Lets make it so fueled with intent and emotion that they will see it from space…or the fray.


I agree with some other folks who are saying there are some obvious guild connections. However, I think like the other clues we have found so far they may have other connections to specific Mounties or locations.
Heck, some of these sound like they could be in Neithernor.


It’s kind of dark, don’t you think? Hunter’s moon, abandoned sun rotting, where bodies lie below… lonely and dark. Like we’re supposed to be shedding light back in where darkness has been encroaching.


none of those sound like stuff we might find over here, best of luck, guys!


Boy am I late to the party (A wizard is never late Master Baggins, not is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to)

  1. is the phone number a phone number? Or is it a code/ cypher key/ co ordinates disguised as a phone number??

  2. @Ashburn where was this place? I could go check it out in a couple of days

  3. Can’t remember what 3 was… I know it was important though


2 days off. That’s all I needed to come back to a mayhem of clues and seemingly pointless tidbits. Congratulations :joy:

@Deyavi I wouldn’t call it grim. I’d rather say it’s pointing at a circle of life.

Also, the good news is that, unless the harvest moon relates to a place, we’ve got plenty of time to research and prepare since it won’t happen until the full moon around the autumnal equinox. Furthermore, it’s to celebrate the opulent earth and to give you the last time of preparation before the severe winter comes. This sounds like a call to arms but I’d rather find it reassuring than ominous.

…although the last experiences with the first day of autumn weren’t that reassuring, were they?

Secondly, a feast for all the senses reminds me of Cagliostro… in a bad way. Hope it’s not a repetition of the same old song, otherwise I’d really consider arming ourselves accordingly. Hell knows what could be pulled off this time. Staying optimistic, however, I’d seek for a celebration of harvest moon - but the only thing that is on a massive scale, similar to it that I can think of, is Oktoberfest and something tells me this wouldn’t move to Germany. And Thanksgiving is too late.

Now: some loud thinking.

From what I can think of, is the hilltop that once was used for flight - but this is probably gonna be another false. Reminds me of Icarus but, again, it’s the ruins of Knossos on Crete (wait, but we’d have this fortress of sun…?).

I wouldn’t maybe think of abandoned airports but rather either a place to observe the flights (maybe of the birds)? There might be aplenty but combined with the rest, maybe we’d be able to pinpoint it geographically if there’s some logical connection between the points?