Wiki: The Minnying of Ojorad


The Minnying of Ojorad is a poem used in Fragment Three.


The Minnying of Ojorad is a poem about several animals coming together to mourn an important figure. The animals appear to be anthropomorphic. Each of the animals represents one of the six Guilds. The animals are as follows:

According to The Last Traveler, the Minnying is a poem used for remembrance.

The Poem

The minnying of Ojorad
was held at Vidivinty’s glade,
a notion Good King Capra had
that proper reverence be paid
to one who fell on Baryn soil,
in diamond coat of blue and red.
The four who stood in mourning voiles
with deep respect their tributes said.

In vermulid tones the cat first spake
Through briaring fronge her tones did rake
from catafalque to ancient tree.
Said she, “Here Magister Woodland lies.
A brave sourl released from jewelled eyes,
bereft of home, his light soars free.”

The second, the Unowl
evinced a brillatent scowl
for she found not the words to mote.
So she unfurled her cowl
to charm fallen and fowl
with the weaves of an outstretched wing

From the third, a mouse with girlish hair,
as her mournful tears clad hallowed air
declaim’d the Plaint of Nhadastra.
“Lo, the stars shine less intently now
in the firmament of glory’s crown.
The lustre of our friend moves on.”

And finally, the julbous toad,
in his gown of winking woad,
sang a stark yet stirring ode
on the hauce his master rode
from the Crook of Ghyver’s Cross
to the Fallen Mokonode.

The Merest part a way of weather
when Watch elects the final frinning
Ebends unbound Mora’s tether
and Forged the Thorns in drubbin minn’ing

To mark the end of their lament,
King Capra rose o’er gathered sways.
“We’ll sing no more! Dance our assent
to morrows and our yester days!"


Various lines of the poem were posted on Deirdre Green’s blog and Instagram account during Fragment Three. The poem was eventually reordered by Mountaineer recruits, and was used by Cole Sumner to remember the alternate name for Obenhedge, Vhelicorus.