What's That Smell?

This is my go-to perfume. I got one bottle years ago and it’s still half full even though I wear it almost every day. It’s a rather light floral scent, and not one I would have chosen for myself, but a friend got it for me. She said that it would compliment my leather smell, (I wear enough leather that I always smell like it, and I almost consider it part of my natural scent) and she was right. It doesn’t conflict with or overpower my leather, and the scent lasts for hours.


Fresh cut grass, mangos, hyacinth, lavender


I have started a response to this and forgotten to finish like four times now but HERE WE GO:
I’m very particular with my smells, like, to the point where I ordered deodorant in bulk when they discontinued the scent I’d been using since I was 14 (Secret so very summerberry heyo) and I’ve been wearing pretty much the same rose perfume since I got a bottle for my 16th birthday.

Not on my body I’m less picky, and love most floral smells like roses, peonies, honeysuckle, and lavender, but also love anything that basically just smells clean?? Like linens, oceans, books (obviously), I have an “aged page” candle right now that I’m obsessed with but also will easily obsess over most candles. I just love them!!


I absolutely adore the smell of copper. Especially after handling old pennies and letting them roll around my hands I love when the metal smell lingers for the rest of the day. It’s a little weird but it’s just something I love as well as the smell of smoke and burning kindling.

I love the smell of a hot summer day where the humidity makes everything wet and sticky but it also has a dense floral sent to it.

Also as far as flowers go I love jasmine, peonies, and honeysuckle.

My favorite perfume is jasmine, citron, and beet pollen (this is a reference 0% of people will get) Something floral with an unmistakably deep musk.

As far as sent recommendations go
Modern Muse le Rogue that’s my 100% favorite scent for spring and summer.


Ummm petrichor :heart_eyes:

My weird favourites plusgas(wd40) and the smell after you’ve been using an angry grinder.

More conventional favourites, fresh baked home made bread, moss carpeted forest in spring, clear frosty winter morning, log fire, any bookshop.


OOH interesting thread!

I like the smell of the lake wafting in from a wave or breeze.

The smell of cut wood and old books.
apparently I love the smell of dead trees

My cat
odd, I know but to me each animal has a distinct smell, maybe it’s their pheromones?

The smell of a mechanical workshop.

Cranberries in any form


Dial makes this glorious watermelon-scented liquid hand soap… I wish they would use that same scent for their bodywash, I’d buy out all of them every time I needed to restock.


I found a wild rose and almond scented hand soap, and every time I use it I get super nostalgic. To me it smells like baby dolls? Everyone looks at me like I’m crazy when I say that, but I swear I had several that smelled like it.


I understand your love of the chlorine smell (though it’s not chlorine so much as the reaction products that have an odor :sweat_smile:), I have a similar affection for the smell of Trigene. I blame my Vet Nurse days.
I also love the smell of books, cinnamon, roses and damp cat. They’re all happy memory triggers for me.
Although I do have the unfortunate habit of needing to smell everything around me (I am lemur) which is a rather difficult impulse to overcome for the sake of my sense of smell in my rl job surrounded by olfactory killing chemicals :tired_face:
I can still tell when it’s going to rain about 70% of the time, but I fear that exposure to my job (and probablyTrigene) has taken some of my sense of smell away from me :pensive:


I like the smell of a freshly-blown-out match. The burnt-sulphur smell. The only times I ever smelled it growing up, was at birthdays, holiday dinners, and summer cook-outs. So I associate it with happy memories.
English lavender (French is a little too strong for me), sage, any kind of evergreen (cedar, pine, and balsam mostly), citrus - really light stuff.