We Need Your Help With A Logo Variant!

Okay… so we are working with the amazing Liam Ashurst on a new Ackerly Green logo to go along with our new “modern magic” aesthetic.

He’s also designing a variant of the logo that will be surrounded by iconography from the Magiqverse.

Some examples of his work in a similar style:

We would LOVE if you’d suggest ideas for iconography for the variant, which miiiiiiight end up on a shirt in the future!


You know how things like hieroglyphics tell stories, well what about a series of icons that tell the story of AG or the fight with the storm or Kemetic Solutions or the guilds ect?


I like that idea a lot it! This variant will have the motto “Above All, Wonder” so we’re thinking in that headspace right now.


Hmm… Some things I can think of:

  • Items from the Calling the Corners spell
  • Specialty items from Deirdre, such as the AG books she found, the items she used for her Calling spell, the walking stick, scarf, etc
  • Characters or elements of the Six Books Deirdre used to unlock the Little Red House
  • Symbols for the various types of magiq (Illiomancy, Telemancy, some of the various guild specialties)
  • The ingredients, creatures, and constellations from the various fragments
  • Nods to some of the spells the Mountaineers did, like tea cups, origami boxes, blindfolds, lanterns, etc
  • Elements of Neithernor, like the door to the Warren, the statues in the grove, books from the vault

would love the origami idea.


Candles, old books and scrolls, feathers, crystals, compass (like the Chronocompass?), stars and/or planets (for the constellations, maps, doors and archways, fungi, treasure chests, sealed envelopes, ships/airships, cauldrons, keys.