University Advice?

We would refer to the RAs in my dorm as the TP fairies. Toward the end of my time there they would just leave the box outside their door (rather than drop off a roll per person at each door in their assigned hall).

There were times that my suitemates may have snagged partial (sometimes nearly full) rolls from the public restroom in the lobby because people took more than allotted from the hall’s box/the box never even showed up.


Sorry it took me so long to hop over here @Rimor and @Nimueh but I’m here now.

I don’t know what it is just this past week has been real hard for me. I’m not worried about the move or the classes, I think it’s the people.
I’ve moved around my whole life too, and I’ve been backstabbed and hurt too many times to count because I’m the hufflepuff new kid that is all too nice for my own good. I don’t want university to be like high school for me.
I can’t get my brain to take a chill pill over it all. If you two want to know more about my high school experiences I’d be happy to dm you about it but I’d rather not post it in the forum. Thank you guys :3


So I was also super nervous about making friends in uni and I’d panicked about it for weeks. But when I finally got to uni I realised that everyone was in the same boat as me and that we were all new and scared. For some it was easier as they had friends that came to the uni with them. I had a really rough time in my previous school so I get where you’re coming from and the anxiety is completely normal. Feel free to PM me with anything you don’t want to talk about here :cjsmile:


If you’re worried about meeting people, join a club. Go to activities night, pick a few clubs that seem interesting, and go to their first meeting. Pick one and stick with it for a few weeks. Honestly, joining the Quidditch team at my second university absolutely saved me. Suddenly I had a bunch of people I knew outside of my small major, and we were regularly practicing and having social events.
Also, keep an eye on your student activities FB page or your uni page, because a lot of events go up there. My uni had student-run pages for free food/items, buying/selling, and so on. It’s how I always knew where samosa sales were happening, or that there were therapy dogs in the libraries for students to pet.
Fighting! You can do it!


Thank you so much for your advice, I will try those things too. In the bigger picture I’m excited, even if it is a ways from home I’m ready for it and the new challenges. The social aspect is the thing i struggle mostly with