The Welcome Super Topic: Volume One

Greetings! I’m Dreamhowl and I’m in Ebenguard. I came across the forum (and magiq) from Instagram! It just drew me in. I love reading and the fantasy genre is my favorite, so I’m excited to explore the forums here.


Welcome @Dreamhowl, we’re happy to have you here! Check out the forum primer for help getting started here, then feel free to visit the Bookish topic for fun and intriguing book discusions! You can visit the Q&A for additional help or message your guild leaders @Deyavi and @Ginger.


Welcome @Dreamhowl!!


Hey everyone,

I’m Red, a new Thornmouth from what I can tell. This is all new to me but looks absolutely fascinating. I look forward to getting more involved.


Greetings all! Eraelan here, and like @Red I’m a new Thornmouth. Looking forward to discovering this world of magiq!


Welcome to the AG forum @Red and @Eraelan!!! @Sellalellen is your guild leader so if you have any questions you can PM her or check out the Q&A thread! But first you should read the Forum Primer as it has loads of useful information!

If you don’t mind me asking how did you find us?


I stumbled upon this thru Instagram


On Instagram, actually. It was an ad I saw that took me through the examination, and after digging a little deeper (and signing up for the newsletter) I decided to give it a go.


@Rimor [quote=“Rimor, post:1668, topic:244”]
@Sellalellen is your guild leader so if you have any questions you can PM her or check out the Q&A thread!

Is there a delay between signing up and being able to send a message? A kind of probationary period? Was trying to reach out but didn’t see the option to send a message…


Oh ye sorry it should take about an hour to go up a trust level and then you’ll be able to access the rest of the forum and more functions such as messaging.

You can access it by clicking on your user icon in the top right and then clicking on the envelope symbol

EDIT: you can also message them by clicking on the @ [name] which will bring up a quick overview pop and a message option


@Rimor Much obliged! I’ll check back in after a little while. Thanks!


No problem! You’ll probably receive a welcome message from her when she’s next online!


Nice to meet you all, stumbled across this place while bored and it gave me some serious SCP vibes and as a big fan of the SCP universe and magiq, I figured I’d give this place a shot. As for about myself, I’m a new Thornmouth that’s perpetually distracted by my passion for analysis.


Welcome to the AG forum @Dauthleiker!! @Sellalellen is your guild leader so if you have any questions you can PM her when you’ve reached the next trust level (Usually takes an hour) or check out the Q&A thread! But first you should read the Forum Primer as it has loads of useful information!

What part of the world do you hail from?



Totally new and still getting caught up. I’m in Ebenguard. My OOW skills are in the fine and performing arts, though I’m fascinated by various sciences, as well.


Welcome to the Ackerly Green Forum @Liminal!! Your guild leaders are the fabulous @Ginger and wonderful @Deyavi! If you have any questions you can PM them or you can check out the Q&A thread! First off though you should read through the Forum Primer!


Hello all! Elwood here, new member and recent sorted Thornmouth. I find the guild to be oddly accurate in its description of me, something I’m sure many of us feel about our selections. In the real people world I work in IT, solving all sorts of problems related to computers and computer networks. I’m a bit of a gamer and avid reader (when I can find the down time) and the Human friend to a lovely black Labradoodle named Layla. Looking forward to seeing you all around the Net!


Welcome to the forum @Elwood_Mackenzie! Most of us do tend to feel pretty strongly connected to our guild, though it’s always possible for one’s guild to change with time and the flow of Magiq. Make sure you check out the forum primer for info on how to get started here and get aquainted with the rules. The Creationary is a great place to get your creative juices flowing and join some ongoing discussions. There’s also a Q&A topic for any further questions or feel free to message our guild leader @Sellalellen.
Which of Thornmouth’s Magiq affinities sounds most interesting to you?


Hi! I’m Bean, a super green Ebenguard!


Hi @BEANBONGOS ! Welcome to the forum!

Your Guild leaders are @Deyavi and @Ginger ! If you have any questions about the forum feel free to PM them or even ask me! Make sure to look through the “Forum Primer” to get a little insight into the forum if you haven’t already done so! For more information you should probably PM @BrokenVoid or @Rimor as they are the official Welcomers! Sorry if this wasn’t much help but i’m certain those I mentioned can help you so don’t be afraid to shoot them a message! I hope to see you around!