The Welcome Super Topic: Volume One

Hello All! I was shown the quiz for this on Facebook and was instantly drawn to the really neat concept! I am in Ebenguard! I’ve started the books, and I can’t wait to get more involved in the community! I’ve been putting more effort into making friends, and I’m excited for this adventure! :smiley:


You’ve come to the right place, Kryu01! Some awesome people are around these parts, and some of my dearest friends!
If you need any help getting caught up, any guild leader will be happy to help!
It looks like you’re an Ebenguard, making your leaders @Deyavi and @Ginger


Welcome @Valkos, @donnyboy, @Nettil, and @Kryu0! “Not” Five says HI


Hello everyone! I’m Grace and I’m very excited to be here! I’m a Weatherwatch and if anyone can give me any tips it would be greatly appreciated :grin:


Honestly an ad popped up on Facebook showing the guilds and that was what initially caught my intrigue. Once I looked into it further I was immediately hooked. I love all kinds of magic-related stuff.


Welcome @Kryu and of course my new guildmate, @CrownTheShop! It’s so great to have you both here! Kryu01, your guild leaders are the wonderful @Deyavi and @Ginger. Crown, I’m one of the captains of Weatherwatch along with @Skylad! If you need anything, feel free to reach out to us oie any of the guild leaders.

My tips are to check out the forum primer so you can get an idea of how to navigate around here! Plus, it gives you some helpful tips for what to explore while you’re waiting for trust level 1! Once you’ve hit that, feel free to check out the guild-specific subforums for what we’ve explored so far (Ebenguard and Weatherwatch). Feel free to give your thoughts, ideas, questions, etc. And of course, reach out to guild leaders if you have more questions! Does that help?

Welcome, again!


Is there a reason Thornmouth is the only guild with only one leader? Or is that just the way it is right now?


No particular reason, but Sel is an amazing leader. With wit enough for ten :wink:


Gotcha, no doubt about that. I certainly didn’t mean to say it takes two, just noticed in the leader listings that Thornmouth is the only guild with one and was curious.


There were originally two of us, but the other stepped down a little while back and we just never bothered to add anyone else. It’s a pretty light workload most of the time.
Edit: Oracle bab you flatter me :cjheart: I don’t know how you can possibly see me as anything besides a hot mess :joy:


Um, hello. First time posting, here. I only came across an Ackerly Green ad for the first time about an hour ago, but all of the concepts that were hinted at in it and on the main page have intrigued my storyteller brain. I have a soft spot for collaborative art, modern magic, and magic systems in general.


Welcome! Have you found your guild yet?


Sounds like you’d be perfect for Gossmere :gossmere:


Hello there. I saw the assessment ad on Facebook the other day. I wasn’t really sure what all of this was so I did some research first. This world of Magiq is real and I love it. I’m having the same giddy feeling I did when I first discovered Harry Potter as a kid. :japanese_goblin:

Took the assessment and got Balimora. I took it again and got Flinterforge but I like Balimora more especially after binge watching Our Planet on Netflix. :herb:
Now I just need to learn how to use these forums properly on mobile.


Welcome @Warden! We have very similar guide experiences! I got Bali first, then Flinter, and ended up choosing Flinter! Here’s a little forum primer to get you started, but give a shout if you’ve got questions!


Welcome to the forums, Warden! Magimystic currents can be weird, sometimes you’ve just gotta go with your heart. :eaveshug:


The assessment told me Thornmouth, actually.


Hello! I’m new here (well, obviously…). I got the the Guide to Magiq from an intriguing ad on Facebook. I took the assessment a few times because I wanted to see what some of the other options were, then going back and taking it one more time with the answers I truly felt, my guild is Thornmouth (though I could easily be in Flinterforge or Gossmere as well).

Anyway, I hope I’ll be able to make some like-minded acquaintances (and eventually friends) here!


Welcome to Thornmouth @Morella! Happy to see more new members. Our guild leader is @Sellalellen if you have any questions or need anything.


That is such a Thornmouth plan of action, tbh, so I’d definitely say you found the right home here!