19. The Secret Society: The Dreamer

If we do, it should be someone who didn’t go in the first batch, just in case those people are watched/followed again…


And if we do dream it, do we want to have someone scry just to make sure our dream-walker goes to the right part of Austin? Or are we sure enough with one of our guesses? (Some of them are a bit of a trek between, and even if we’re certain it’s in/near Zilker Park, that’s pretty big too; I’d hate for someone to end up running a marathon in their sleep with some not-so-friendlies on their tail.)


All of the other clues were at least relatively obvious locations, so I’m not sure if scrying is called for. But let’s say that, if we don’t get the location by tonight, someone can scry since it’ll be the right time of day for that spell.


I’ll put some more time looking in this afternoon. But otherwise I agree, maybe if we can’t find it by tonight we should consider scrying.

Edit: I got nothing. Went down some pretty weird paths. I feel like getting to Austin is solid, but can’t figure out what ‘on the heads of the beautiful island’ means. Sorry.


It’s difficult, too, because there aren’t any permanent islands in Austin, if we’re talking about the physical feature. There are, however, a set of formations called the Sometimes Islands in Texas, which only appear when the water level of Lake Travis is lower than normal. I’m not sure if one of them is the beautiful island we’re supposed to be looking for, but I want to add this as an option!


Okay, here are some things I’ve been thinking about, regarding the Secret Society and “The Last Figuration.”

First, what if this, all this, the events surrounding the Secret Society pins, was The Last Figuration?

Avis said the changes happened too fast in the BotW for the tripwire to work, so all their preparation, the objects, the safe, the powerful item Sullivan gave Avis, and Avis sending the safe away, seemed to all be for naught. But what if it wasn’t?

Avis said herself that the spell would trigger when magic was at a dangerously low point (we’ve been told over and over that that’s happening now, here), and that it was meant to bring together the people, places, and objects that could help cast the spell. (The pins, Woolie, the office, all of you, me…) A spell that would help someone find the objects that would open the safe and help fight the destruction/erasure of magiq with something powerful hidden inside.

Could we be in the middle of The Last Figuration?

Well, how could we be casting a spell that was destroyed along with the Book of The Wild, you might be asking…

The Book of The Wild
The Book of Kings
Two Worlds Rebound
In Butterfly Wings

We created some sort of connection between the two “Books.” Whether the Book of The Wild is some other timeline, or just the ruins that our book is built on, we unlocked The Book of Briars and in doing somehow made a connection, however faint. We know that’s true. All the weird stuff in the AGP offices, the echoes of the other age…

Did the Council somehow know about The Last Figuration and help to protect the little bit that’s left of magic?

We only know two members of the Council of The 18 Gates, the group trying to help us from The Fray, some kind of in-between place: That’s Brandon Lachmann/The Last Traveler, and King Rabbit, who was more of a work-for-hire than a member of the Council, based on what we know…

But could someone else on the Council have known about the spell Sullivan and his aunt created?
I have no answer, no solution, beyond a bunch of rambling…

But the idea that we’re actually in the middle of the spell that the Greens and their coven created feels right. At least to the guy possessed by a ghost.

It lines up with everything we know from her journal. I just don’t know if I’m right, what we’re supposed to do if I am, how we’re supposed to unlock this safe, and what we’re supposed to do with whatever we might find inside.


Oh wow when you step back and realise the imense magistery of this beautiful system, all it’s intricate networks and amazing failsafes. Man it just fills me with such a strong sense of euphoria.


If this is The Last Figuration, and we’re in the middle of helping to cast it, then I think we need to do what we do best: go with the flow of magiq. But let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves, we still need to finish this “poem” thing, find the places, and then see where it takes us. Maybe we’ll get another word? Maybe we need to wait for the #searchformagiq countdown that’s about to happen?


I feel like the most critical thing we need to do is find the locations. Ideally, it’d probably be good if we can find them before this countdown, but either way… it’s something we can accomplish while we figure out tackling the 30 day spell.


I will cast the dream spell, tonight or tomorrow night, if we can find the location. I’m not afraid.


Uh…same. I volunteer. Maybe even try out a few new wards.


I tried searching again, doing austin, tx “beautiful island” to see if anything else popped up.

I don’t know how promising it is, but it came up with Red Bud Isle.

…I’ll keep poking around until someone decides to scry for the answer.

Edit: Maybe one of these street lights?


I really don’t want to give the shadows any more targets. What if they’re waiting for someone to try it again? If they catch you before the dream ends? I know I can’t talk you out of it, but please, be careful. You should be afraid.


I can be afraid and still willing. But the scry split should be last resort.


Having learned from the last time, I think we ought to lend support to whomever does this spell. Let’s concoct a warding spell, to give assistance to the projector. Maybe we could do something similar to the Mountain’s shroud, some kind of concealing ritual to hide them from the eyes of the malevolent spirits?


I’m not letting them do this without additional help, that’s for sure. At this point my thoughts are “Don’t do this, but if I can’t stop you, I’ll do everything I can to keep you safe.”
I just don’t want to see any of you hurt.


I’m willing to do whatever I can to help everyone stay safe as well


Ritual warding spell woven in to the scrying spell itself?

maybe we can include some items of protection. Like something made of Cold Iron, or something that can either conceal the user or ward off spirits. or both.

have the two extra items, and then add a few lines to the scrying spell in the first place.
If someone can quote the spell over, i can try to come up with some lines to it.
as well as add in my shield sigil along with concealment and warding sigils.


I thinhk i’ve built out a rune for warding and protection, and i’ve modified a previous sigil i created to be used for cconcealment, now to place them with my shield sigil.
i’ll draw them out again and place them together to give the basis should it be needed.


A wise man (well, fictional character) once said " fear leads to anger…anger leads to hate…hate leads to suffering.". This has gone on long enough. It’s time to bring closure.