18. The Secret Society: Down to City Hall Station

Haaa, no, I’d say, if anything, it’s Deirdre’s power as a Green refounding it, who then left it in my protection.


So, we need AG (or Woolie if he is indeed BoW Warner) to tell us what the combination is…and we open your magic box of many drawers and we save the universe.

Sweet. We have a plan. I like plans. Even more when I go back and read them and they make no sense to me. That’s how you know it’s a good plan.




I can only imagine how my brother would feel if he were to see me now, fighting for everything he believed in. I turned my back on him, and will always regret it, but now I can do something to fight for the world he loved so much, and perhaps after, do what I can to protect it. Continue it. I was never proud of my name. Not like Warner. But I am a Green. And I will fight for the world of magic.


That one was barely legible. The past two have been fading in and out pretty quickly.


What white light awaits us in the end. Nothing but fractured thought and light. Nothing and everything. Serafina is lost to me in the blinding. There was far less time than we imagined. It happened too fast to fix. Too fast for our spell to work. We failed. In the light there is a new world emerging. Gray and without wonder, washing us away. But a last imagining comes to me. One last chance to save magic. I will try and cross the broken bridge, to enter the fray or follow my brother on to

That was the end of the entry. I’ll wait to see if there’s more, but… yeah.


My Goss, the poor Greens have been through so much.

If they failed, does that mean that there is nothing within the Vault? If so, I wonder how or why it found its way to us now of all times.


Been through so much, but dang if they don’t keep fighting with every fiber of their being.

She said she put it in the vault. My guess is she never had time to use it? Maybe?


Well we know from the shipping record I “found” in that basement that the safe was shipped away from the book shop, so she seemed to have finished her part.


Nothing else.


Goodness there’s even more today. I’m going to start somewhere in the middle.
My theory about time is maybe not new in the world of science fiction. I believe that all of time, all points in history, while appearing distant in our natural, linear view, may actually be happening all at once. Or in the least, over a relatively short period of time.
Instead of one long strip of paper detailing all of history, the strip is layered over itself, in a stack. (Maybe a book?) usually, what happens in the past affects the present, and we can’t look back and alter things in the other direction. But say we poke a hole in one of the pages.
Now we can see a glimpse of the page before our own. Maybe sometimes the connection is strong enough that we can communicate, as was the case with Knatz and past-Saberlane, but perhaps this time all we have is a pinprick and we can just barely see what’s happening on the other side of the page.
That’s the way I like to think of it, anyhow. I’d like to see our interaction with Knatz as proof of my theory, but acknowledge that I may just be choosing the most convenient facts to confirm my bias. I’ll go put my inner sci-fi nerd away now.


What if we are that chance? Maybe she can see a glimpse of us through the pinprick too? I want to open that vault. To me, that feels like it may be the key to everything. To save her, or perhaps to pull her from her timeline into our own. I’m not sure tbh, but that’s where my instincts lead me.


Sel, are you implying they’re making use of wormhole/string theory?


I guess I must be. I’d forgotten the words before but I think that is what I’m going for. time to google string theory


I’ve been wrapped up in studying this all day. Additional dimensions are nothing new to me, but I can’t seem to visualize how string theory works. Maybe if I could build a physical model I could wrap my mind around it. That helped me understand tesseracts when I was 9 years old and confused.


I seriously wish we could make you the Thornmouth leader twice, Sel. :hermanthumbs:


My essays are nothing compared to yours, Robert. :cjsmile:



It’s kind of amazing that because of all you’ve all been through you can read journal entries from a previous version of our world detailing how it ended and be like :sob: but also :muscle:t3: “let’s get to work.” You guys are the best.

I’m trying to get my head around the reality of the “era books” and who lived when and how… maybe I’ll come up with something, a primer or a diagram or something, and you can punch holes in it based on experience or pure conjecture? I think it might be helpful for those coming in to all this fresh who want to help but don’t know where to start?

I’m just eager to help climb the :mountain: and this seems, as an outsider, a good place for me to start? Especially considering that a lot of the Low’s theoretical view of all this also deals with some form of “alternate history” so I’m at least versed in what others on the outside see this as possibly being?


Um, that would be amazing, @SpiritSeer. Would be nice to have your perspective.


Huh. I suppose “we just got a revelation from an alternate timeline let’s hurry and sort this out” isn’t quite a normal response to this sort of thing come to think of it. Goodness, being a Mountie has changed me.